
*sigh* Can’t believe no one’s posted this, what’s this comments section coming to?

Fabulous read.  Great work.

Nah she’s cool

I’ll tell her.

On second thought, let’s not go to the black hole. Tis a silly place.

That’s what I love about the theory of relativity. My family gets older, I stay the same age.” 

Nothing to see here; just the Angels calling up their AAA mascot to the majors.  This really is what baseball is all about.

Yelling at kids is futile, and has long lasting effects.

Coincidentally, Lonely Master was 2/3 of my high school nickname.

The thing is, you can regain your swagger playing Chinese basketball, but you lose all your confidence again an hour later.

What if I told you that not all Patriots can stand up and salute?

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

Slap Contest Official: Guys, its not in the rules anywhere that you have to take your shirts off.

We don’t even own a cat, and yet.

This is some serial killer shit

I feel bad for that water polo player. Clearly she’s lost face.

Flubbed the landing there. Should have concluded with “the only person who got nailed that night was on-screen.”

Thank you for this. I got to know Alex a bit better during my original run in 2006 (pictured) and the 2007 ToC. As you noted, he did his job and did it well, but he wasn’t one to hobnob much with the contestants, and that was perfectly fine. The only time we really socialized with him at all was at the on-set