“To this day, lightbulbs still smell like honey to me.”
“To this day, lightbulbs still smell like honey to me.”
“He called everyone ‘Big Nuts,’ Reusse said. “It was just a name he liked to call people.”
Really nice article. I’ve lived in the OC my whole life (and always been liberal), and the change is political calculus here is partly due to immigrants, partly due to Trump, and partly due to society as a whole becoming less conservative socially. The only ideas Republicans have any more are Fuck The Poor and Fuck…
I really hope this is emblematic of the upcoming midterms.
Teacher: “Now let’s all share Jessica’s homemade cookies, which she sprinkled with cardamom!”
I’m only interested in hallways vis-a-vis their ability to handle hot dogs thrown down their length.
u2, huh?
Long as we don’t model anything after the Solomon Islands, I’m good.
Kavanaugh’s totally gonna swirlie him now.
I’m angry as hell and in pain about the whole thing; mainly, that over half the US Senators (including some women) listened to Dr. Ford’s testimony and said either “You’re a liar” or “I don’t care that you were assaulted.” It just really hurts.
You have Lindsey Graham’s attention.
Sometimes you’re just Mr. Ed
Bat at fat rat chat.
“I didn’t honor my wife when I shot my wad on that escort’s back. And it’s the librulz fault I can’t get work.”
Cool way to say “lounging on the couch in my undies”
ux mad breaux?
But at least now the dog’s penchant for wearing MAGA hats makes more sense.
Merlin Olsen was Father Murphy.
Hey, I go into bars and check out the IPA situation.