
yea, cause drivers license photos totally wouldn't work for that purpose already..

Hate to brake it to you, but 98% of all recorded TV is fake. Sorry.

Already on it :P

As someone that is friends with a few doctors, a free iPad would mean zero incentive, honestly. They get companies trying to bribe them with gifts every other second.

coconut juice

Nope, move along.

Wow, 4-5 years after the letter.

ummm u totally missed my point. like, completely

saw this a few days ago, props for posting it here. shit is Hi-Larious

Did u read what u posted? "the front of the medals have the Lisa-Simpson-giving-a-blow-job 2012 icon superimposed over the London Thames river"

Chrome which I think uses this, is laggy when having a game open as well that is taxing the graphics processor. That might be one reason it's off by default.

pretty sure that scream he gave while being regenerated after being blown apart counts as "a scream one makes while in a crap load of pain". it wasn't a "fuck yea I'm alive" scream..

I say fake

Then they will loose buisness. I don't see the logic in this, AMEX is not held responsible for purchases.

google keeps what people use a lot, look at wave and all the other api's they hosed. wave was excellent for what it was made for, yet poof due to lack of mass user usage. having worked with a senior employee at google before who was a manager/coder for gmail, I can pretty much garuntee they keep what is used, and if

thank you for posting this. that was awesome

Yea, cause a guy that specializes in just slingshots should leave that just for you.

I doubt when marrying a leader in a culture such as that, things such as your husband raping the enemy is easily overlooked