wish there was a video. and thank god it was already dead. totally reminds me of monty python and those french bastards
wish there was a video. and thank god it was already dead. totally reminds me of monty python and those french bastards
I'd say never
seeing how many attempts and different devices he has build, I highly doubt such an accident. massive experience tends to lead one towards avoidance, not to say that in the early days he did have rebounds and hence learned how to avoid them. also, the bands are used in a different fashion that in your link, i don't…
omw wow, lol
wow, only one comment from there. nice
beta, as in "Final not yet released"
Go to medical schools for the rest of my life while running a free clinic
What about no Pro features, but no ads. Not an option?
Yet you seem to fail at realizing that in said image, Master Chief's head has been removed by Freeman. This clearly shows who would be victor in such a battle. Further conversation is irrelevant.
except most debit cards have a visa logo, meaning that purchases are protected
so happy i don't play this anymore. yet it would be nice if the patches in eve generated as much excitement as apposed to sheer resentment being the casual norm
omg. wow, just... wow
they said they couldn't locate the migrating fleet due to the vast amount of space between start and destination, needle in a haystack (which if you think about it, is probably right. without a beacon, how is destiny supposed to track it down?)
Maybe if you hadn't written over two of the bar codes they would have given you a break. I'm sure they are there for a reason..
i'm sorry but i tried after reading this article to watch the movie. it was just too painful
for windows, after using Newsbin from newsbin.com as my newsgroup downloaded (does quickpar and unrar built in) i've never needed anything else.
@RaindropBebop: adblock plus is on chrome
why i paste this page in facebook to share, it shows nothing. no title(!), no images, no body of text from page. seems to me like someone forgot a major thing...