
Fuck Joe Manchin with a rusty coal pick. He's been scamming WV since I can remember. Sorry he now has something to say about the state of the nation. 

Wow, in that pic, I thought Tiffany was a mannequin. Okay, I mean sex doll.

The reason I almost want Trump to go for that media empire, supposedly it would be built off of OAN, is that not only would it split some of the audience from Fox’s talking heads, but Trump is such a horrible businessman that watching its inevitable collapse would hilarious.

Im sorry...defund MY BUTT?!

They got smacked down in multiple other cases too for being, essentially, really shitty lawyers. They forgot to file (or didn’t have so avoided filing) necessary documents, came with basically no evidence, etc. It’s embarrassing. They should disbar some folks for being so terrible.

He’s the hero we need, but certainly not the hero we deserve. 

I did not know who John Fetterman was before last week. I did not realize how much I needed him in my life. 

Remember the Lt Gov in Texas offering $1M was offering for evidence of voter fraud? Well the Lt Gov in Pennsylvania sure does, and he wants to collect.

Fetterman is definitely worth following on Twitter. He’s been posting for days that math doesn’t have a bias, and that he’ll spot the GOP 10,000 votes in PA if they want to do a recount. And then there’s this gem:

I’m going to leave this here in case its needed.

I don’t want to know

He looks like the kind of white person who argues that it’s unfair that only Black people can use the n-word.

I mean there was a story out there that staff in WH are lighting scented candles to try and cover up the smell of fast food. That basically means the president is a teenager eating away the pain. Really can he just leave now? Look hand him a participation trophy, a bucket of KFC & some extra strength depends and just

Sounds like judge from last week who asked if they were saying Republican vote challengers were barred from the room, when told no asked if that mean they were in the room, when told yes asked “so why are we here”?

Mike Pompeo is on top of my list for the firing squad, then Barr.

As far as I’m concerned, Biden and Harris are already in charge. They’re actually getting shit done while Mango Musso and his nut lickers throw the world’s longest tantrum.

This happened yesterday:

A lot of this refusing to say he lost is also just about owning the libs. Election Twitter is running around with its hair on fire, screaming “It’s a coup!!” Meanwhile Biden and Harris are just staying calm, getting to work on COVID and putting together one hell of a transition team.

Are we REALLY still doing “the two parties are all just as bad as each other”? After 250,000 bodies hit the floor? After over 600 children disappeared in Trump’s concentration camps? After Trump funneled millions of dollars from the federal government directly into his own pockets through shady ‘expenses’ at his own