
Especially these days, thanks to privatized student loans.

I feel like you’ve gotten the wrong impression from that statement: Those kids were told by their parents and grandparents that you never needed to read books or learn anything because only stupid people read books and learn thing. Anyone who is smart doesn’t do that, they become farmers or truck drivers.

The only show I want to see him on is a CSPAN livestream of his sentencing. 

and if the Democrats try to change that, the republicans will scream and fight it every step of the way.

I knew he would obstruct the transition out of spite because that is who he is, just one big fucking orange ball of spite with a Mr. Ray’s hair weave.

He’s just delaying the inevitable at this point, and GOP obstructionism is nothing new.  It won’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things, and you’ll still end up with better governance than if Trump had been reelected.

I had no doubt the orange mutant baboon would obstruct the transition. Why wouldn’t he? That would be admitting he’s a loser just like his father always knew he was. We already know he doesn’t give a fuck about the country or the citizens. If he can make it as hard as possible for Biden to get up and running, he can

I hope Biden goes in there and just goes crazy with issuing executive orders. He really needs to double down on getting stuff rolling. Who cares if the GOP gets mad. Turtle neck is going to be an asshole regardless.


“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”