
...I’m picturing someone bouncing down a hill on their rosebud now.

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

Ok, I’m totally breaking in and making this my evil feminist lair. Who’s with me?

The lesson is that everyone has it worse than white dudes ... so they should shut up about inequality.

hey kit harington:

hey white guys:

I am one of the horrible people who always watches this show. I will absolutely vote for this man to win, no matter what. He deserves it.

It’s not actually understandable. If my kid raped someone I would not be on their side. I would be angry and devastated and sure I’d fucked up majorly.

I don't see it as understandable at all. Unless you place no value on women or see them as less than human. In which case, this is probably where the kid gets it from.

Good parents know when to tell their children, “NO”.

No problem with him being on his kid’s side. Kind of a huge problem with him ISSUING A STATEMENT when his kid just got a criminally lenient sentence. Just shut the fuck up, let your kid serve his six months, and be grateful the world still revolves around privileged white guys.

My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.

But how!?!???? Almost like you are responsible for your own actions!?!??

I drank a shit ton of wine last night and I managed not to rape anyone.

Asteroid Strike, 2016!

My mom was buried with a picture of her kids and a Richie Hebner baseball card. I feel like I should have made a stronger case for “space dagger.”