you need pockets for a pocket knife, and he didn’t have pants.
you need pockets for a pocket knife, and he didn’t have pants.
just need to say that i’m stealing “poutraged”; carry on~
i have a fairly common last name with an uncommon spelling: markus. we spell it out out of habit, and still get things addressed to marcus, marquez (because my lily-white ass looks super hispanic, duh), marques, marks...
damn, you beat me to the gross-blood-clots-from-vagina story. i was like “why is there grape jelly in my underwear?!?!?!”
what a lovely oven mitt.
i have unlimited access (well, when i’m in california it’s unlimited) to david campbell’s private training course, does that give me a leg up on the competition?
scandalous underthings tend to pop out for us when we’re on vacation; otherwise, yeah, it’s basically “wow, your boobs look so awesome in that t-shirt/i can see your dick through those basketball shorts, rad”, and then cue the banging.
this must be why my fibromyalgia is acting up so much. silly severely-arthritic-and-BLAU-inflicted boyfriend, if only we’d gone with MY immune system instead...
it IS girl scout season...
i feel like the new generation of bondage fairies-esque hentai should take place under the sea and involve many lobsters.
apparently, it’s ok as long as the liquid is cold and non-acidic. for hot beverages, they should be lined with tin or stainless steel, to avoid long-term copper exposure.
i am a massive beginner in cross stitch and embroidery, so i don’t personally have a lot of resources to offer. i do have some cute stuff from though; if you’re looking for fun, that site is rad-and-subtract. :)
yeah, might have to actually stitch that.
i didn’t know chuck tingle had a sister~
i have a larger labia minora like the article’s focused on, and i’ve been thinking a bit about getting it trimmed back simply because it gets in the way. i’m on a couple medications that affect hormones, so it takes about 23847 years for my vagina to lubricate itself for sex. we use fancypants natural lubes and…
i was going to say that i wanted to dress as a sexy banana, just slap a vagina onto the banana costume, but now i’m pretty sure i want to dress up as a giraffe doctor.
this is exactly what i came into this article looking for, thank you.
that’s what i was stuck on, i hope the guy has good insurance for all the UTI’s. or at least is good about peeing when he’s done.
off-topic: my boyfriend and i just got approved for a bitchin’ apartment in tacoma, where we can save money and make sweet love down by the fire in front of our very own fireplace. to finagle this into the topic at hand, i promise not to have any of these shite chairs in our home, regardless of our child-having…