
Can you imagine just showing up to make friends and have a good time, then getting the hole in your head plugged up and being tossed out into the cold because you accidentally zapped someone?

Even though he’s not in daytime any more, I feel like Piers Morgan probably still has the eternal, irrevocable crown for that honour.

Is this guy even an esports celebrity?  Usually when these people are known for streaming their popularity is more based on their personality and stage presence than skill.  In which case their fans treat them like a celebrity for the same reasons people do the same with any popular actor.  Why do people give so much

Why do we treat Athletes like Athletes? I mean, you’re entitled to your opinion but it feels very reductive.

The “good” he does is 100% more about him and his buddies then it is the people he’s helping. Just watch how they react to people crying tears of joy in any video. Cool, glad people needing money get it but anybody painting him as this gracious philanthropist don’t really see through the surface of his videos.


A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.

Got my booster on Monday! Took less than 20 mins. I had to nap a bunch yesterday but now feel fine. It’s almost like keeping up with vaccines is NOT A HARD THING AT ALL TO JUST FUCKING DO in order to protect others and reduce the transmission numbers as a whole.

*Offer not valid for anyone left of Joe Manchin on the Overton window.

We knew the outcome before the case even started. The problem now is what comes next now that it’s official. They’ve basically said it’s okay to cross state lines with an illegally obtained weapon, look for a fight, and then claim “self defense” when one finds you. People are going to die because of this. 

Dodo birds were flightless... 


I mean, we might as well just post the whole episode.

Seems like a missed marketing opportunity to me.

Liquid Cooling:

As crazy as that is, anyone who has had an a-hole for a dad has probably thought about getting some payback when their father become more vulnerable. Now the Stockard Channing revelation, that is freaking crazy....someone tell me more 

Not that anyone here will understand

Environmentally friendly scams are still scams. Innovation in scamming is not something anyone should be open to.

Look a little further:

Isn’t it more that Blake was about to get a bad grade in his future securing AP English class because he didn’t even finish the assigned reading, so his mother went full Karen, blaming the book, the school and everything in this Black excellence blessed world but her insufficiently scholarly offspring? Is that not the