
Chemically and cheap.

It’s pretty simple - it’s Patriachy.

Children in cages? Can’t be bothered. Nazi’s marching in the streets? No big deal? President colluded with a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent? Who hasn’t done that? Billy Porter on Sesame Street in a gown? Avert your eyes children. Don’t gaze upon that evil vision or you will surely perish.

There are roughly 30-50 million lactose intolerant Americans. I don’t think many people are buying dairy free ice cream for health benefits.

How presumptuous of you, to think you might control the Goose

And if it was about assigned seats, why didn’t the professor make the kid who stole the seat in the first place move?  The teacher’s bullshit excuse isn’t even consistent.

Only after someone knocks Trump’s little mushroom dick outta his mouth.

Does this patch also make the game not start in windowed even though I’ve chosen to play it fullscreen?

While food is a terrible bookmark, the receipts I get when I pay for it always work great for me :)

3. We seek out single player games, because if somebody is gonna ruin the night with Toxicity, it’s gonna be me.  

Preacher knew. Did they do this joke in the series?

It isn’t “RIP exclusives,” it’s just that these are timed exclusives rather than forever exclusives. Sony gets all the benefits of having these games exclusive to their console, for years, and then when sales are really trailing off, boom, they get to sell it fresh all over again for a different market. It is a win

‘Course, the logicalend of exclusives’ is also ‘the end of consoles’.

Eh, are we pretending that’s a bad thing?

That Decima Engine is really good. Sometimes I think about if BioWare had a chance to use that instead of Frostbite and then Mad World plays and I have to go have a lie down.

I’d avoid the GHB-Stuffed Crust there.

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

can we just “cancel” Dr. Oz?  Yes, he is legitimately a medical professional (as you say, cardiothoracic surgeon) yet he does nothing but abuse his title promoting nonsense based on stuff that is way out of his area of expertise. 

Jezebel reported on that I think...

As demonized as they are, furries are decent people for the most part.