I enjoyed the different outfits. My favourite being that futuristic armor that regenerated.
I enjoyed the different outfits. My favourite being that futuristic armor that regenerated.
Talk about edging around saying the quiet part out loud.
Moreover, why is it folded vertically? That's psychopathy right there.
Hardcore religious nutjobs, war profiteers, and folks who don’t question our govt’s choices because that’s ‘unamerican’.
goddamn i love how much of a good sport sonicfox is.
This is me to the letter especially when it comes to fast food. If this becomes the norm I’ll be just fine and when I want a steak I’ll never have to worry if it is quality or not since there will be no economical reason to produce low quality ones.
“If yer not watching them, THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE”
Somebody check the local grocery store and see if they are out of cans of soup.
The problem—even removed of the canard that the “-a” variant is somehow less offensive coming out of the mouth of a white person than the “hard -r” variant—is that the language is coded specifically for racism and systemic, ongoing inequality (to say nothing of its historical weight and the…
The irony, of course, is that people like that considered Holowka and his work “SJW trash” right up until the moment he died and they could claim him as a “victim” in their “war.” They feign concern for people’s well-being when really all they want to do is silence their critics.
Jesus Christ, there is like 1. single. word. that you can’t say; and if you manage to NOT say it, you can continue to have playing videogames as a career. AND YET HERE WE ARE
White busybodies have no problem harassing other white people either for any ill, no matter how trivial or imaginary.
This makes me happy. However....
It’s just a little kick in the bum.
Ignorance of the boot is itself a bootable offense.
I prefer Trucker’s Choice, myself.
I love two smells more than all others: (1) the aroma of meat grilling, and (2) the smell of a fresh booting.