
I am anxiously awaiting the day when “This Week in Hungry Bears" and "This Week in Overturned Trucks" gets a crossover post. 

Looks like he’s trying not to get his clothes dirty. I get that it’s probably an official photo-op or whatever, but why even bother with the mulch if you’re not dressed for it? Just looks awkward as fuck

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

The problem is that it’s not for publicity; it’s Capitalist propaganda to be spread by MAGATs on Facebook and given as an hilarious Christmas gag gift amongst our increasingly ill-informed citizenry.

Same reason the local news reports on “wacky news”: it humanizes the community experience.

Just the regular edition. And I don’t really dislike the game, I’ve gotten my 60 worth I find. Honestly my friends and I have had some of the most fun in this game than any other.

But this drill mess had me cursing their name that day.

My first introduction to the thing was a still photo coupled with a breathless, “IS THIS A RABBIT, OR A BIRD? ONLY 5% OF PEOPLE GET IT RIGHT” post, so twitching wasn’t part of it.

The ability to differentiate a beak from ears was, though.

God, you’re wrong on so many levels. Not good for crowdfunding? Yes, I’m sure that millions of people are going to hover their pointers over the “back this project” button, then say to themselves, “y’know, 2.5 years from now I might end up having to download and use a marginally worse launcher to play this” and then

I would suggest there’s still a bit of that old Simpsons magic in Season 8, but other than that, you’re good.

I mean... as a digital storefront it sucks ass.

In before reading:

I’ve sometimes been stumped by optical illusions, but that image, when it started floating ‘round the net a few days ago, never once fooled me. The beak is the dead fucking giveaway—coloration, texture, and the fact that if it were a rabbit, the ears would have to be aligned in the center of its goddamned skull—mean

The clip is only 57 seconds long, but the ball’s recording device recorded 18 hours of static while it was in right field.

Caramel Dipped Cones from South Korea. McDonald’s soft serve with a caramel shell. This sounds promising, as we’re on record as loving the Stroopwafel McFlurry.

It’s a shame that one can’t hold to opinions that others disagree with without being castigated for it.

On so many fucking levels. Telling you you’re an asshole for thinking gay people deserve fewer rights is not “hate”. Bullying, telling LGBT kids they are fucked up and beyond redemption, driving them to suicide, discriminatory laws, etc., that’s “hate.”

You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.

Cathy is baptist garbage and they donated 2 million of the profits they made from the store to anti gay groups through the Winshape foundation.