
As much as I despise him, there are times where he’s just so goddamned pathetic I find myself feeling almost sorry for him and wish I could say “For fuck sakes Ted, just quit before you make yourself look even more embarrassing than you already have.”

Who the hell writes for them, Shelbyville Manhattan?

This is what happens when you hire Shelbyville Manhattan as your program director.

The filthiness and general clutter of my local Walmart makes it easy peasy to skip it and head to Target.

NRA Nazis.... I hate NRA Nazis.

it seemed less he was anti gun and more paranoid rednecks went into a panic that a democrat, particularly a black one, was going to take their guns so they ran like obedient little doggies and bought and bought. fear motivates the stupid, and it certainly did then. The joke is, that outside of a few big social issues,

“Such an anti-gun prick” who never actually did anything to make guns harder to get?

We’re talking about the people who say Black Panther (the movie set in Africa) is racist because it mostly has black actors, and who invented fake incidents with imaginary black people beating up imaginary white people for no reason, when that movie got out - mostly because they sure love victimizing themselves (even

Some time in the distant future...

It’s an opinion piece, appended to a blog that often features opinion pieces.

The primary divide between this opinion piece and others on larger, more prominent platforms (looking at you, Cillizza) is that Nathan took the time to break down the primary components of the controversy, to explain why each side feels the

The American right wing has basically gone from slavers to Jim Crow-ers to the people who call twelve year olds thugs after they get shot by police, so I mean...just cause you don’t sing the quiet part loud doesn’t mean you aren’t part of the same song.

“The budget was a fraction of that spent on the SJW game Wolfenstein...”

I’d gladly take a living wage than have to worry if I’m going to have a $300 shift or a $47 one.

The real travesty of this guy is that he also ruined the reputation of a perfectly good dessert.


I kind of love two things:

1.) The no-fucks-given attitude (seriously, the way we in the US slut-shame women for revealing any part of their bodies—while having no problem whatsoever with bros putting on a “gun show”—is absolutely ludicrous).

2.) That one of her logos closely resembles the Brazzers logo.

Also worth

Maybe Tom’s chair from Entertainment SevenTwenty?

Am I the only one that can’t tell the difference?