
Meh. Shit opinion.

God I hate that smug douchebag. He’s such an idiot. He also argued that there couldn’t be a pee tape because Trump would need the bed to sleep in. You know, because there’s only one bed in all of Russia.

Yvan Eht Nioj

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

I loved DA2 and DA:I. definitely saddened for the loss of them

The coming year will be critical for BioWare. The prestigious RPG developer has essentially become a one-game studio as it works on Anthem, and pressure is mounting. For more, read our story from last week.

Fuck. I want this game*.

I’m so torn about this. I do want it to be a good game, but mostly because I want Bioware to make more singelplayer RPGs. Would suck if CD Project is the only studio capable to make those western style rpgs on a large budget. (I guess someone would mention Elder scrolls here, but I play Skyrim for very different


state of the union speech. a kabuki bukkake exercise.

Yeah, because a federally mandated $15/hr minimum wage would be completely different than a massive tax windfall for corporation?

No one ought to be subject to abuse simply for just being.

I doubt it, unless that same person went on to become a fairly-internet-famous comedian known for doing skits about nerd rage.

I remember people making fun of the ‘80s in the ‘90s, like everyone who had lived through that decade had just been a massive idiot.

That’s not enough sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon!

Citation needed.

Because everyone knows skinny people never get sick or die.

So is being African American, being into extreme sports, being a coal miner, being an office worker, being a....

I call shenanigans. She’s actually the real Yomiko Readman and the cardboard simply forms to her will: