
Seriously, they had damn near everything they needed to make this a home run game for them. As you said, Black Flag minus the Assassin/Templar fluff. Tune the controls, update the game engine. Bam. I was really looking forward to it, right up until they said it was multiplayer only.

God damn does that sound like a nightmare. I don’t want to have to play a match 3 game to farm materials for someone in WoW to spend a real-time hour forging a better weapon so I can use it in Dragon Age to get a loot drop for Borderlands. If I want to just play Borderlands (or Dragon Age or whatever other game), I

“You’re a game company, stay out of politics!”
Translation: Stay out of politics I don’t like/am trying to ignore!

I’m pretty sure this is the kind of guy who wishes he had a nerdy gamer girlfriend, but then bullies any woman who would have the sheer unmitigated gall to say that they’re a gamer but not be able to name every Goomba killed by Mario because they’re obviously just a fake trying to get attention

Yeah, I’d be asking for a refund right now if I could. Been in my backlog for a while, and I’m not any more inclined to play it after this shit.

Right, but Ethan didn’t say that Hades was making the aggressive killer dinosaur robots, only that it was corrupting them. So I’m not sure where the point of clarification lies for your nitpick

Hades did corrupt and take over some of the normal robots made by Hephaestus. IIRC one of the first major robot fights is against a corrupted Sawtooth. And there are various areas where Hades has corrupted a large number of the local robots.

Yeah, and don’t watch Pokémon that are moving around in the distance, they’re dropping a lot of frames in their animation cycles

Workermon is evolving!
Congratulations! Your Workermon evolved into Union Organizerchu!

Yeah, here’s hoping Microsoft cleans house and gets rid of all of the Acti-Blizz executives and management, while retaining the programmers, artists, and other lower level employees. That’s the only reasonable first step toward fixing the shitty work environment that was ingrained in the company’s corporate culture.

Whatever money is awarded should come out of the police pension

I think this is largely due to RDO’s devs trying to keep the game realistic rather than diving into full on sci-fi like GTA did. Horses, moonshine, and bounty hunting will only get you so far in terms of engaging content. They need to start getting steampunk. Add in some Tesla/lightning guns, steampunk balloons,

Personally, I work at an academic library, and it would be very useful to have a mask that let people see my facial expressions while I’m helping them. Not to mention that it would be great for interacting with people who are deaf/hearing impaired and would then be able to read my lips with the clear mask.

This is it exactly. GTAO would be in the same situation if its devs had decided to try to stick to realism the way that RDO’s devs apparently have. There wouldn’t be any of the batshit rocket cars, or airplanes, or attack helicopters. You wouldn’t be able to buy your own nuclear submarine and rob the same drug lord’s

I guess signing bonuses and fascist lessons in obedience for children are easier solutions than doing the work to reform/rework the police

That plane fight is totally unrealistic, everyone knows you can’t climb things that aren’t yellow! It’s science!

Not food, but I’ve heard that salad spinners are good for hand washing bras and other small dedicates

“Another annoying thing is that all of these new contracts that feed into Dr. Dre’s questline (there’s that phrase again…) can only be undertaken in a public session as a CEO.”

Is this something that would work for making Brigadeiros? I’m not sure how it compares to ganache, but the Brigadeiro chocolate is very thick and gooey (you have to butter your hands when you’re rolling them)