
I agree to a certain extent, although I think it's a valid point on some occasions if it's phrased better? I dunno, I think you're right, it can get very "Can I do this Mom?" "No you can't Jimmy, I want you to do your homework."

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.


The only time I ever tried to go low carb, I turned into a sulky, angry ragemonster. So, I don't really know if it helped me lose weight, as I could only stand myself for a day or two before I decided "I think the world would probably rather me be fatter than having me be thin and homicidal."

Well, my driver's license says 118lbs.

If this game lets me punch Adam Sandler in the face during a golf match, I will be able to die a happy man.

Seriously if you think this make anyone the 'worst human being alive' I'd highly suggest you rethink your priorities. And possibly pull your head out of your ass and get to know the real world.

Now playing

Whatever. She was not that bad of a dancer on day 1. Seriously. She wants to be an inspiration??? OH YEA? Let's see her try that method with someone who REALLY needs help learning how to dance!!!


Another Roman walks into the same bar and says,

The other day, I read a story about Mickey Rooney going through ladies like a hot knife through fudge.