
Ehhh... I almost had a moment of respect for her, but she blew it by being a sycophant at the end, and doing that reverse victim thing they do so well over there. It isn’t Rand Paul being sexist, it is the other commentators calling out his sexism.

You are like my internet twin, and I love you for it.

Oh my god... THANK you for saying that. Because my husband can’t eat chicken and has no idea what I’m talking about and thinks I’m being neurotic when I am skeeved out by a place that serves me popping chicken parts.

What kind of evil fucker...??? Did you ever get an explanation for why he made a big deal about plans and then just ditched? Or was that the last you heard from him?

Not Vulcan. Definitely Ferengi, that one.

It depends on the quarterback. Peyton Manning basically calls his own plays and modifies them at the line of scrimmage, based on the look the defense is giving him, often multiple times before snapping the ball.

Pete Carroll's Wikipedia updated. WITH TRUTH.

First of all, how on earth did you get a copy of this? When I sent it out I explicitly wrote PRIVATE DO NOT SHARE (in all caps like that) at the top. I'd like to point our that whoever leaked this removed that, so by law, reprinting this is illegal. I know this because my father is very rich, runs Fowler Enterprises,

I just looked at the date on this article, 6 months ago, hmm. Well, I'll understand if I don't get a response back from u Stacey! Lol. I just wanted to tell u I couldn't agree more with ur comment!! That just says it all right there in that short statement. Good job!! Lol. I thought I was just being a mean,

I live in the city proper, we didn't get any snow really (a dusting at most) till this morning and even now the snow in the city has stopped and we're left with maybe a half-foot/foot. Now its sunny and clear in the city. The southtowns are getting worked over though ANOTHER band of snow is coming for them later today

Buffalo, the city, didn't get much. Really the heaviest hit areas were in Cheektowaga and 'The Southtowns' below Buffalo. Buffalo actually rarely gets a lot all at once, due to their position on the lakes. Usually it's steady accumulation over several days. This literally happened overnight in a very narrow band of

how to be a tsa agent, by adultosaur

Yeah. Sometimes vets dispense "one size fits all" pet diagnoses. If she's maintaining her weight, it ain't no thang.

This, maybe he was high all the time. I have a friend that I thought was just dumb. Turns out, he is just always high.

Do not give up. Change your "sales pitch". Mind the fuzzier reasons for rejection (insurance, confidentiality, meals, other...?).

I think that more than anything else the first thing you need is the ability to sell yourself. Sales training may help in a purely technical feild just for the reason that you are able to get a job because youve knoledge of how to sell something. Sell you.

To be honest with you, those people are the real suckers. Because they're going to be bouncing away from that job after a while because the pay is too low and they won't be able to pay back loans with what they're earning.

I had a HUGE problem trying to get hired when I changed cities specifically because I had a master's degree. I worked as an admin during grad school to pay the bills and while I was trying to get more creative jobs in my field once I graduated, I was willing to be an admin at a company just to get my foot in the door.

The whole "5 years of experience for this entry level job" thing was a real hurdle to get over. Employers still have the upper hand in the market, so they get away with asking for ridiculous requirements, and people who are actually overqualified are being put in these entry level jobs and being underpaid for their