
My dog is at the upper end of acceptable for her weight. She's been the same weight her entire adult doggie life, and everytime I take her to the vet I get a lecture about how close she is to being overweight and that I need to put her on a diet. A diet that consists of 1/3 a cup of Science Diet dry dog food a day. My

These people, and the little pocket of Seahawks fans in CO need to switch houses.

I always thought horse guy was an odd addition. I get it logically - dude takes his boner pill and he can ride you like a horse. But to me, the commercial always seems more like dude is taking his boner pill to actually get it on with his horse.

I never realized how much Teresa and Kourtney looked alike.

I really hope this shows up in a readable print. I throw this out everytime a rightwinger on my FB starts going on about how "Next, we're all going to be allowing marriage to our dogs!!!!!1!!!!"

Wait, the soccer player was caught up in a sex scandal with Shia Lebeaf?

Really, I'm just surprised that there weren't any gay slurs thrown in because of the rainbow-ness of the cake.

The root of liberal is free. That means that I have the freedom to do whatever I want to this chickun in 'Merica.

Why is it always twins? At least shake it up a bit and throw in a triplet every once in a while.

I probably don't want to know but... What exactly is going on here?

I didn't know anyone ever claimed Third Eye Blind as a favorite musical artist. Huh.

That's how I am with ATT. They keep trying to convince me to switch plans because I'll save "$5 a month!" with the catch being I'll lose my grandfathered in unlimited plan. Ha, I'm onto you. Being able to stream everything I want all at once is worth $5! And I've even gotten to upgrade my phone every 2 years. I *will*

So pretty much everyone involved in this story is awful.

You went to high school with Ann Coulter?

I have a couple on FB (I'm FB friends with both of them. I should have known better.) that do this DAILY. One will start the morning out with a love note (public) to the other, and then at the end of the day the other one will write a love note to the original spouse. And instead of shaming them, people COMMENT on

Serious question - and forgive me if this has already been asked and answered elsewhere - but isn't forcing Sterling to sell going to give him even more money and in a sense reward him for being an awful racist?

Oh, I absolutely agree that learning how to sell myself (on paper!) is a must. It's hard though when there's no job experience and all I have is education. I can't really say "Hire me based on the fact that I swear I'm a fast learner, am smart and will work for less pay." when there's other people coming in that

Sadly, I've been turned down for volunteering positions because of lack of experience. I can't donate my time because it's too much of a burden on the paid employees.

I know way too many people with Masters' degrees that are applying for entry level jobs and still getting turned down. It's a ridiculous situation. Personally for me, I don't care if I'm overqualified for a job as long as it gets my foot in. But I thought that my education was my thing that made me stand out - "I have