So somebody took the book "The Little Lady Agency" and made it come to life.
Her and I had a connection
I couldn't sleep the other night and was flipping through the channels. Did anyone else know that Joey Fatone has a cooking show (of sorts)? Seriously!
I'm of a reasonably healthy weight (I can stand to lose some, but am not grossly overweight). I exercise regularly (not in my Shapeups or similar shoes, but in "real" athletic shoes", but I have terrible knees and ankles. Mostly ankles. Where I can severely sprain an ankle just walking and be down for a good 2 months.…
And when/if a female character ever is made, especially by a big studio such as R*, the bitching will start over how the character has been sexualized more than any male character ever had been.
I'm 90% sure you went on a date with my ex! One of his "amazingly hilarious - no I swear you'll pee yourself laughing" stories was "You wanna know what I did this weekend? You'll never believe it - it was soo funny. Me and buddy A and Buddy B and Buddy C all got soooooo drunk and I ended up peeing off someone's deck!…
I am so guilty of asking people to "Tell me a story". I think it's because I talk a lot (a lot) and realize that the other person hasn't said anything for ages.
I have described myself since forever ago as a potato face, with a lump of mashed potatoes for a nose. I'm have blonde eyebrows and eyelashes, and am extremely pale but with the added bonus of freckles! I have to smear on the spackle just to have features.
I went on vacation a couple of years ago with my mom. The first night in our hotel, she and I were looking around and she looks at me and says "I bet this place has bed bugs". This was at the height of the bed bug invasion stories, and I just figured she was being paranoid. The hotel wasn't the nicest, but it wasn't…
My Westie was racist. It was super embarrassing. We would take him on walks, and he would be just fine, prancing his way along the street smiling at everyone we passed. Until we passed someone who was black. Then it was bark, bark, bark. I actually had one guy comment on it saying "I thought dogs were supposed to be…
To be fair to Desiree, I would have a hard time coming up with 25 variations of "GOOBER"
I have no kids, so only have the experiences of the births of my nephews to judge.
Right? By the time I started paying attention to the NASCAR that was in the background, Dick Trickle was no longer racing regularly, but often enough to be mentioned. I had to control my juvenile laughter every.single.time. his name was mentioned because I didn't want to explain to my parents why I - an 11 year old…
Do they have a card for an emotionally abusive and twisted grandmother? My mom has the hardest time finding a card for her mom every mother's day.
I generally sleep pretty well - once I get to sleep. It has always taken me at least an hour to go to sleep once I'm in bed. I have to sleep with the tv on at a low volume (it's on a timer, so it turns off around 3am - it doesn't stay on all night). Having the room be iceberg cold helps me sleep as well. If it's too…
And after you've failed miserably at climbing the rope - it's time for chin-ups!
In the late 80's (when I was around 6-7) my mom got on the mailing list for Fredrick's of Hollywood (It was an accident (fingers in ears*lalalalalallala*)) I spent so much time going through that catalogue wondering why these women were wearing such weird clothes and where they would wear them to.