
Yes, I am. The entitlement—ugh—from a dying kid or not.

When will this franchise die? I’m 100% convinced that they will continue making these movies even if all the lead characters die a painful death on set. I won’t be surprised if one of the spin-off has a scene with Paul Walker and God drifting in heaven.

Why do make-a-wish kids have to get anything they ask for? SanFran Kid-batman was cute, but celebrities shouldn't have to meet some dying kid just because the kid wants it to happen.

Working for the White House does not immunise someone from grand acts of profound stupidity (see Ben Stein’s entire body of work attacking the Obama regime)

I mean - yeah Guy Fieri is an easy target, but “if Ed Hardy fucked a juggalo” is awesome and hilarious

I used to watch Bourdain’s shows, but I got tired of his pompous attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I think Fieri is a flaming d-bag, it’s just that Bourdain’s the polar opposite, he comes off as an elitist d-bag when he describes the places he visits and the foods that he has eaten. I say give them both chef knives and


Also, how many gynecologists do you think are aware of the genotypic specific efficacy of certain progestins in oral contraceptives and prescribe accordingly? Levonorgestrel (Plan B) in particular is very dependent on a woman’s race. It has been a few years since I studied it, but it is either highly effective in

I imagine that scrubbing the shit stains out of your husband’s underwear is not much of an aphrodisiac.

I think you need to ask yourself that same question. :P

FHM, the men’s magazine that looks how Axe smells,

Why thank you, sir!

I wonder how he contracted it since getting HIV having heterosexual P to V sex as a man is pretty difficult, and I imagine that he wasn’t sharing needles because he is a gabillionzaire so like. How.

I feel like this place would also force employees to use crystal-clutcher names likes Ocean or Meadow.

I've tried to hide mine, too, but any time I try to use tinted moisturizer I think I look like Odo from Deep Space Nine.

“NFL’s Domestic Violence Expert”

LOL. “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”

I am...going to throw up. Wtf is wrong with people?!?! You’re basically paying someone to lie to your face for grotesquely overpriced vegetables. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Make a donation to something she would hate, in her name, for Christmas.

Are you willing to take a liberal Southerner as a refugee if you do this?