
I feel like he’s Jaden Smithing. Is that a thing or did I just make that up?

hahaha! Sometimes its just nag champa!

He likes tubing, hates water skiing. Does that clear things up?

Is it OK to ask him about watersports or nah?

“That’s a rumor that comes from the Earth, like all rumors,”

She didn’t call any of the victims “rebel hearts”, so I’m calling this a win. This is Madonna, though, so yeah. Tomorrow, the teeter-totter may swing down again.

Oh, thank fucking God we got Madonna’s take on this.

The industry’s love of Terry Richardson is very Emperor’s New Clothes. Those who appreciate the true beauty of fashion photography DO NOT GET why Anna et al pant all over this hideous pedophile. For true beauty, look to the photographs of Norman Jean Roy or the late Irving Penn or Richard Avedon. Richardson is the gum

Emotional expectations for men are created by men. Emotional expectations for women are also created by men. Feminists are working on this, but if you want to see change, women aren’t the people you need to snark at.

The finding stuff around the house is right up there on my list of pet-peeves.

Everyday I thank God for my small boobs, as they allow me to stand next to whomever I please.

We mourn everyone. Ok, asshole? I am so sick of the constant complaints about how we shouldn’t discuss Americans or the Paris attack because we haven’t discussed every goddamn horror that happens in this world at length. Give it a goddamn rest.

Hey Rob Lowe, remember when you were caught having sex with underage girls but somehow avoided prosecution? And then were a pariah in Hollywood until Aaron Sorkin gave you a shot? And then burned that bridge by pouting that audiences (and cast members) responded to Bradley Whitford and Allison Janney more? Yeah, I

One of my biggest frustrations with the progressive movement is the sometimes-tendency to ignore the fact that there are elements of militant, political Islam that are the antithesis of western values. No, that is certainly not an indictment of all Muslims, 99.9%+ of whom are fantastic, wonderful people.

2) I’ll bet if we crunch the numbers on that one you will find a “well-armed” population simply shoots more of each other between these far placed times they are going to apparently theoretically coordinate together at the time of a problem and stop a terrorist attack. (Which can you even think of one single case of?)

Pretty sure you misunderstand the circumstances under which you can own and carry in Switzerland.

Can you show me where she actually said that, verbatim? Or are you taking her statements about HER PERSONAL GENDER EXPRESSION and twisting them in the most ridiculous way possible?

If I were Hilary Swank, my kid would have solid gold shoes and a handler to carry him around because the weight of the shoes wouldn't allow for walking.

Taylor Swift has a horrendous taste in men. I don’t even understand how someone who comes from seemingly loving family and is so well rounded otherwise, keeps going for dicks. Why?