I knew this story wasn’t what it was croc’d up to be.
I knew this story wasn’t what it was croc’d up to be.
It is incredibly fucked up thst lawmakers don’t allocate funds for the rape kit backlogs around the country. I love nonprofits, but private fundraising is not supposed to do basic government jobs like fucking public safety and crime investigation.
When news of this was initially posted on Gawker I was APPALLED (though not surprised, really) to see how many people were almost giddy about Manning attempting suicide, as though being pushed to experience severe depression and suicidal thoughts is part of the punishment process and not textbook “cruel and unusual…
Perhaps it was the side effect of his sick guitar solos?
To all the people collapsed on the fainting couch over her daring to make a political statement:
Okay I hate these types of responses in general but what? Where in this comment made you think “This woman spent years studying law” because now I’m curious.
Why haven’t you called if you’re so concerned?
That Lil motherfucker is on borrowed time. He needs get clean pronto.
I’m not your honey. If you don’t understand what corporate mass marketing is doing to kids today... ah, forget it.
It’s too much. It’s everywhere. It’s damaging because it’s pervasive.
I like the old nsx better than the new one... As a design guy, that front end looks like it has 500lbs of plastic just slapped on it. Just like the other honda front ends. Not good. Way over done.
I think she is saying that all rapists are strangers. Friends can’t rape. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that in her mind “strangers” are also...shall we say..swarthier. In the complexion department. Or maybe just homeless and poor. You know, undesirables.
Also, the idiot who wrote this is in some shitty Haim wannabe band, which, while totally unrelated, makes me hate her slightly more.
Why are we assuming the woman is the victim? Because she was unconscious. She was completely passive. He on the other hand, was the active party in the assault. No matter how drunk he was, he still chose to assault her. He was spotted by eyewitnesses assaulting her, and when he was confronted by them, he had enough…
“Just because someone broke into your place and took a bunch of shit doesn’t mean someone was a thief”
Lawyers do have to do whatever is necessary to defend their clients. But it would be nice if our culture could get to the point where the prejudices that make that kind of questioning effective no longer exist.
Here, let me help.
Parking lot=rapey but behind a dumpster=romantic
Except good guys don’t rape. Good guys stop the attacker like those random cyclists did.
Yes! The whole case involving Turner’s rape of this young woman and the letters could (it seems) fill out at least a semester’s worth of just fucking LIFE lessons, including everything about rape myths and rape culture. Having said that, I don’t even understand why any of this is so difficult for Brock Turner or those…