
Have we come far enough where we can all admit the prequel lightsaber duels are overly choreographed low-stakes Flynning the likes of which even Errol Flynn would think excessive?

I’ve never been interested in the “Jedi is a terrible movie lol” camp. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I was still a kid? But ... i mean, weren’t most of us? I fuckin’ loved the Ewoks. Even then, so what. They’re far from as ridiculous as Jar Jar or a zillion dumb droid army.

i gotta disagree it DEFINITELY still feels like it was written on the fly, just in a different way. lucas was absolutely pivoting to fan service on episode 2 with jango fett, the clones and essentially completely removing jar jar.

Here’s a very simple thing about this film that drives me crazy...

Anakin and Padme have to keep their marriage and their pregnancy a secret, right?


And not just any apartment, but a glorious penthouse with windows on all sides that droids are canonically able to fly

So many things to complain about, so I’ll just add one. How was is a secret to ANYONE who the father of Padme’s child was? First there is the issue of there being tons of Jedi around, all of whom should have be able to tell, then there was the issue of it being really, really obvious that they were having a

The prequels at least had some great designs in ships, costumes and settings like the city of Theed and the palace on Naboo, our first look at Coruscant, Mustafar, Utapau, etc.”

This is my least favorite, (even potentially hated) Star Wars movie. It drives me mad that there’s a widely held consensus that it’s not only the best prequel, but a potentially better film than RoTJ. Tom zeroes in on a lot of it. What he doesn’t mention is that the film basically exiles 2 of the 3 main characters of

Also: man, Ninja Yoda SUCKED. Hated that these films gave him and Palpatine lightsaber fights. When I watched the original trilogy, I imagined that both light & dark masters had transcended the need to use lightsabers- that’s why they had knights/apprentices to do all the hack & slashing. Who needs a sword when you

As much as people like to dog Christensen’s work, look at how BAD Portman and Jackson are in these movies. Both of them have done fine work elsewhere but in the Prequels they stink on ice. Just absolutely inert, lifeless performances. Aside from Neeson, McGregor and McDiarmid are the only actors who actually managed

There has been this sort of... life through rose tinted glasses look at the Prequels lately. Partially because of nostalgia. Partially because the new movies were somewhat disappointing. Likely because of all those damn memes. I’m sorry, no amount of time has made these movies any better. Revenge of the Sith has a few

No matter how hard things get, she gets up and keeps going,

Fighting Fate is, without question, one of the most underrated boss themes out there.

You people are all a bunch of hypocrites. “Texas was talking about seceding,” like we’re all some hive mind, and that is the only opinion that a state of almost 29 million people have?

You know, i was very against these FAQ when Rob started them on io9. Wrote to the editors to voice my displeasure, even. Then I grew up, got over myself and lesrn to enjoy them.

Star Wars IS surreal in nature. A rat orders drinks at a bar. Space turns in the opposite direction of a spaceship. A guy cuts off his dad’s head and sees his own face inside.

I will die on this hill: The Last Jedi is Star Wars at it’s best. Deep, complicated, full of lore that’s only hinted at. While also being entirely accessible and welcoming to children.

I’d rather watch The Last Jedi than A New Hope.  

Haaave you tried not watching them?

It was really hard to imagine a scenario where TLJ gets the best reviews of all the new movies and then Rian goes on to make another original hit with Knives Out and Lucsfilm goes “Well these men who on the internet keep calling him Ruin Johnson so we’re gonna go with someone else”

This but with Travis

I DID NOT expect Marion’s from Dayton, OH to make the list. It used to taste better when it had salt on the bottom of the crust, but then you’d end up drinking 5 gallons of water in the middle of the night.