
i fucking loved toht’s melting face as a kid. i thought it was rad as hell, but i didn’t want to say so too loud in case mom heard and thought it was too violent for me (little did i know at the time that she had probably seen that movie more times than me).

i really liked that game, but all of the actors who claimed they understood the nonsense kojima made them say or do were lying

eh, it’s not like mads mikkelsen, star of doctor strange, death stranding and clash of the titans is a stranger to slumming it for cash

they say if it’s gray, it’s good for you

If anything it does make BotW sadder for me seeing what could have been but wasn’t.

This is why the whole “Hyrule Warriors is a MUST PLAY for Zelda diehards” thing has never felt right. Pound-for-pound, I don’t think there’s any pop culture to have influenced me more than the Zelda franchise (the only close competitors are Star Wars and, i dunno, the concept of christianity), I’ve been playing and

everyone in the world could not possibly do that because people like bill gates hoard orders of magnitude more money than the vast majority of people on earth could accrue in a millennium, wherein lies the problem

how are the people on this site so bad at parsing intention through text, i swear to god for a site full of self-described nerds you all sure are dumb as fuck

good god the comments are wretched. i know everyone always says every new comment system on this site is a step down from the last one, but at least somewhere down the line people like this got weeded out

shut the fuck up, people are allowed to criticize writing for being bad, go read ready player two

not coincidentally, the novels, graphic novels, and comics are all uniformly terrible

I think one variation on the theory holds that the sun and moon are basically spotlights 

if the success of the marvel movies means the u.s. “won the culture war” then all that means is that china has an obligation to nuke us into dust now


their faces look like they were carved from a block of wood by a not-especially-gifted child. plenty of cartoons with, presumably, a smaller budget than star wars are able to put plausible expressions on their characters

thank god i can skip this with no compunction

And it’s also an incomplete story without a sequel.

lmfao that’s what this show looks like? you’d get more believable-looking characters from fucking lawnmower man

Pause for nerd freak out that we just saw a live-action Bo-Katan tell the Mandalorian to find Ahsoka fucking Tano. AAAAAH

shut the fuck up, drink bleach