Space Moth

That tweet is not racist.

Since figbash dismissed my reply (in my own thread, nonetheless) after also repeatedly arguing with me against points I never made, I’ll just post my responses to their asinine arguments here (since the conversation addresses some of the issues and BS arguments that always come up around here in tipping discussions):

If you’re such a fragile little snowflake that you have to dismiss replies (in that person’s own thread, nonetheless) for shooting down your ignorant and asinine arguments, you may want to stay away from internet comment boards altogether.

Mitigating damages /=/ preventing the damage from happening. This guy is awful and what he did was awful, but this is a pretty standard legal concept and his lawyer would have to be fairly shit to not put it on the table. The point (true or not, I haven’t read any of the documents in the case) is that you can’t just

Donald Trump: “I just kiss, I don’t even wait. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything.”

That’s not exactly the complete narrative of this mess, but whatever you need to tell yourself to continue this martyr complex thing you have going on...

Flying Squid is a man who emotionally manipulates, abuses, encourages pain and death on people, uses sexist language, and gaslights women on here relentlessly. Here are the receipts, I’d recommend reading up and down the threads for context. He came up with the idea for a poll so he can manipulate more people and get

You’re right. I reread the actual autopsy report tonight, and nowhere are the words “sexual” or “assault” used. Or “penetration.” Only a description of perceived abnormal anatomical findings.

+1 for getting his username into the GIF

LOL, k.

I hate motorists, because one pulled out of a junction and straight into me. I hate men because one dumped me once. I hate Jezebel commenters because one’s an idiot.

This is sort of off-topic but since you asked, it’s called “Blackish” to refer to the POV character’s anxiety about his Black identity -- i.e. he feels like he and his family aren’t “really” Black or Black enough because they’re wealthy, live in the suburbs, etc, whereas he grew up in the inner city with a very 80s

When you’re investigating a crime, walking up to a group that matches a description allows you to determine whether or not they are the suspects as described. If this group runs, now you have more reason to believe they are suspects, as they are actively trying to avoid being investigated for a crime for which they

How does it not make the child a suspect?

False. I’m saying that holding police to a standard to which they can only defend themselves if a gun is pointed at them is a dangerous standard. It takes very little time to lift a gun and shoot it.

Being given the benefit of the doubt for carrying a gun in an open carry state goes out the window when you are suspected of using said gun in the facilitation of a crime. If you can’t see that, then you’re incredibly obtuse and disingenuous.

Yeah, he’s doing a kinder, softer version of his Colbert Report persona a lot of the time, and I think is incredibly well meaning, but I don’t blame his non-white guests for not always wanting to be part of a teachable moment for his (presumably mostly) white audience when they’re promoting a show. And I do think

My point was they couldn’t have handled it better except to keep the victims-are-always-right corporations-are-always-wrong crowd from taking notice and building up a head of steam. For the most part, mission accomplished.

I’m no fan of Cinemark — it’s their fault the locally-owned multiplex a block from my home closed down — and I’m down with the revolution whenever it starts.