Space Moth

Thanks for the explanation - that makes perfect sense.

“... (explain) how a joke about a fictional occurrence to a fictional character is the same as a “joke” about a person’s actual sex life of which the speaker knows nothing?”

“The blind and willful ignorance on this website is absurd.”

“(Bike riders) are entitled beyond belief.”

“The gun wielder is still a member of the fucking public so of course the cops are tasked to protect them as well, something the police seem disinclined to actually do. Gun-weilder and member of the public are not mutually exclusive.”

“These cops are literally deciding that their lives are more important than that of the public they are tasked with protecting. You can’t claim that everyone is a fucking threat then expect people to take you seriously when your job is literally to get in between danger and the public.”

I would add that part of the job of an interviewer is to ask questions on behalf of the audience, regardless of the extent of their own knowledge - which, of course, means the host / writers need to sort of “guess” what people might want to ask the guest. I would guess that, given all of the talk about cultural


The police got descriptions from two different people - one of those people being the actual victim of the robbery. I highly doubt the description from both people consisted solely of the words “black person” and nothing else, especially considering the robbery victim also able gave a detailed description of the gun.

“Why would the cops think a 13-year-old child was an armed robbery suspect in the first place?”

“it is literally their fucking job to not prioritize their own safety in order to ensure the safety of the public.”

“How about fire a warning shot OR if you are feeling trigger happy, shoot someone in the leg if you need to take them down.”

They are not kidding - read their other responses in this thread.

“People sign up to get flown to Iraq and get shot at, mostly for less money, why would we expect that there would be no takers for the job in their home country?”

Prepare yourself for the “That’s why I’m not a cop” response, as if that actually means anything. What people like Alecthar love to ignore is that, when a person pulls a gun on a police officer, they are the one creating the situation that puts public safety at risk - regardless of whether or not the gun is real.

“Just having a gun in your hand doesn’t make you an actual threat.”

Wrong. In this case it is irrelevant.

This fact is irrelevant to this specific case.

“when will it be standard practice for police (and their captains) to learn the difference between someone who is and is not a threat?”

“I would prefer officers risk their own safety in an effort to confirm the weapon in question is real before opening fire. That’s literally the entire reason the police force exists.”