Space Moth

“and generally avoiding the visitors constantly flocking to the 9/11 Memorial as if it’s a tourist attraction.”

“You have to strategically tilt the glass as you pour to prevent a massive buildup of foam.”

School is back in session, baby, and these cool moms irresponsible drivers got high as fuck to celebrate, but were almost immediately caught by the police before they managed to injure or kill anyone because they were speeding through a school zone while high.

Quick question: what the hell does a “drug recognition expert” have to do to determine that a car full of women were stoned?

“it’s incredible the things customers feel entitled to sometimes, and how ready they are to disbelieve you and argue when you have to explain a policy to them. Then they blame you for the policy.”

No reported incident is ever “cut-and-dry” when you are getting only one (subjective) side of it.

Who are this “everyone” not believing her? And not believing her in what regard - that the incident happened at all? I see comments pointing out that there seems to be a lot of information missing from the story (which there is) - but nobody claiming that she is lying about the fact that it happened at all. If you

Well you have admitted that you were responding to / criticizing something that Mr. Carr did not even say, and you also admit (in a reply to another comment) that you are not familiar with his work. It’s not always possible to understand a comedian’s approach on the basis of one single joke (or to even understand that

It’s a roast. The jokes are supposed to be over the top. One that “sounds a little bad” would be pretty mild in context, and perfectly acceptable. The point of that particular joke was not to actually suggest that she kill herself (or tell her to, as you originally claimed), but that the other traits of hers that he

He didn’t tell her to kill herself.

Why is it ridiculous to have to credit the songwriters?

How is simply reporting on the fact that she is, in fact, able to get on with her life and get a new teaching job “crossing the line”? What ‘line’ has been crossed here? How is this article harassment? Who is working to prevent her from ever working again? Who is keeping her from getting on with her life?

“Pull up how many healthy people go to the hospital and wind up with a staff infection and die. Staff is not a desiese in itself it’s just what you call it when someone gets sick at the dr’s office or hospital basically.”

This is not why they have been banned. They do plenty - the reason(s) for the ban in consumer products is that they are unnecessary and also harmful.

You’d think someone with a law degree would know the meaning of the word “accuse” - but, nope. You’d think the same thing of someone who is a professional writer, but again - nope.

Was there a few years ago, and got to walk around the area of the camps - you can touch the giant boulder used as one of the walls in one of the shelters. That PBS documentary is really good - I don’t even know how many times I’ve watched it. If you’re interested in a really good book about it, check this one out: http

That’s a very poor summary (and seemingly very misinformed criticism) of the Donner Party tragedy.

Not to mention, the case & finding were based on the sheet music (contrary to the OP’s claim).

“if left to stand, the Blurred Lines verdict would chill musical creativity and inhibit the process by which later artists draw inspiration from earlier artists to create new popular music”