Spacemonkey Mafia

It's Northerendian Scandinaviandinar.

"Spice Girls!"

White guys cannot fathom that anything may exist that we can't just have. A consequence of being the audience for which almost all American culture is tailor made is that the idea there may be concepts or words or sentiments that isn't ours to pick up -maybe lick it a bit- then discard and forget when we get

Paint is self-deprecating, which is bad, because it means it's a sentient AI, but good because it's use of humor to undercut itself as a preemptive self-defense mechanism to compensate for it's lack of self-confidence means it will never be able to take over the world.

We've gone plaid.

I'm grateful, at least, that a troubled relationship still yielded two really awesome kids.

"Perhaps the fact that these two sides of the film seem incompatible is intentional"

For real. I'm surprised by what a terrible response that was. In my experience at kink events, there's one constant I've found: most kinksters are also nerds, and despite the great leaps in social normalization nerds have made over the years, we're still a somewhat stilted group; which is not going to be ameliorated

Sure, maybe so. But this is one of the rare instances where understanding what motivates a person is pretty irrelevant. His behavior is so unacceptable and so needlessly cruel it's perfectly okay to tell him to fuck off and never give a moments thought as to why .

I discovered today that the Savage Lovecast is utterly incompatible with running on the treadmill. I've been getting a lot of mileage (so to speak) out of listening to LCD Soundsystem on shuffle through Spotify, but I was finally getting a little tired of James Murphy's David Bowie-tinged fear of scene obsolescence

This process was originally meant as part of a ritual to summon Asmodeus to our plane, and it's vaginal-tightening effects were an unintended side-effect. Since demand for unholy sacrament have dropped off in recent years, the company pivoted and just focused on the woman's health aspect instead.

I bought Otogi purely based on how lovely and haunted the Heian period visuals were. I only made it as far as the second boss -the Buddhist monk who didn't know he was dead (or something like that)- and could not for the life of me figure out how to beat him. Which is a shame, it's such a cool, singular title.

The first Hellboy was fine. It didn't need the audience surrogate character. The second one was much more Del Toro's thing than Mignola's and I'd argue it was a better movie for it.
I love Mignola's artwork more than any other illustrator I can think of, but to make that character work on screen requires the infusion

Me agree with you, Bizarro #1. Also sun is cold and soup am dessert.

It would be one of the few things terrible enough to make you forget about the diarrhea you just drank.

I'm all for making changes from the source material -hell, it's pretty much necessary in order to make the books work as a movie. But I'm disappointed that apparently those changes appear to make this as generic a b-rate sci fi film possible. All the strangeness, all the weird, unsavory elements that make the books

There's "tougher than expected" which is a a fair, given how no one could possibly impress upon you the actual enormity of being leader of the free world, no matter how much you prepare for such a position, and there's "I thought it was going to be easier / more fun than my previous job of being wheeled around on my


One of the few upsides of the internet is the homemade porn. Seeing actual couples with easy chemistry and the ability to inject (*snicker*) humor into a scene is such a welcome change from conventional porn's mafia thug-looking dudes in chain necklaces mercilessly pounding a woman like they were trying to make

I say this with nothing but love and deep devotion to Leonard Cohen, but he should be for writing that song.