Spacemonkey Mafia

It's so upsetting watching Tiger Millionaire get mixed up in all of this.

The mobile gaming theory of entrenched and exclusionary access has broad application.

I like thinking of Danny's privilege like a freemium game. By using his corporate leverage to get into the boardroom, he was able to purchase his way to the boss fight while all the other characters would have to fight their way through lieutenants and levels before getting to the final stage. Danny just dropped the

Stupid from a business perspective is quickly and correctly overtaking his reputation as a savvy businessman.

House Ikea

Here are some shots of the building for reference:

He's a real cursed magic item that way, for sure.

I know, it's the most pure thing in my life. A clean blue flame of utter disgust.

This is the same guy who built Trump tower over the Bonwit Teller building. It was built in 1929 and the facade was decorated with elaborate Art Deco friezes. The Met specifically asked for Trump to preserve and donate the friezes to preserve such a beautiful example of architectural adornment from the era. Trump

Bloom County frequently joked about the death of the newspaper funnies 30 years ago, and their fortunes haven't improved since. It's a calcified, stale medium in a dying format. The amount of light and heat it would require to elicit change from the moribund whale of newspaper funnies just isn't going to happen. It's

(editors note: Scott Adams can't draw pictures)

She was. I made a goof.

Lynn Varley's inks are the only aspect of the comic to come out unscathed, and the movie has no redeeming qualities at all. It's a self-serious slog endlessly mystified by the shivering girth of it's own war boner. What's worse, the movie made a few attempts to graft conventional blockbuster morality into a story that

For real. Belted trousers are more difficult to remove than those things.

I remember in Annihilation how the movie modified Jax's cybernetic arms into a pair of exoskeleton enhancements. This was done because Jax had to have a late-movie epiphany that the arms weren't the source of his strength -the real ability to win was inside him all along. So he threw off his enhanced arms and

Thanks for the response!

Drink more fluids!

I'll shout this one into the abyss: The one thing I'm still unclear on; is the A.V. Club going to be part of the Gizmodo page layout now as a little logo on the bar alongside Kotaku, Jezebel, et al.? Or does it remain free-floating and is simply now formatted like the other Kinja sites?

Dredd is proving resilient, I guess.

Dredd is proving resilient, I guess.