Apatovia has always been at war with Apatowia.
Apatovia has always been at war with Apatowia.
I greatly appreciate the magic of this movie being described as 'felt'.
It's the exact kind of broad, shameless, bottom-rung, Vaudevillian pun Jim Henson would have loved.
My wife and I wanted to visit Fort Snelling State park one summer day, which we mistakenly thought was accessible along the light rail. When we arrived at the stop, we realized the error -that the train actually took us to the identically named Fort Snelling abandoned military barracks.
After about forty minutes of…
There's something endearing about the durability of malls as an activity when visiting family.
I'm curious. I live in Minneapolis and the Mall of America exists mostly as an ever-visible lump on the otherwise smooth, uninterrupted surface of Minnesota.
Is it an actual destination? Is it explicitly a reason people visit, or more of something to do when people come to visit?
I'm not opposed to buying a pair of…
You should have wrapped five of the bars with golden tickets that would give the lucky winners a day-long tour of your home.
"That's the family room. Mom says we're not allowed to watch TV. There's the living room. We can't sit in there, it's for company. I'm not showing you my room because it's a mess. That leaves…
Jeezus. He sounds like a sitcom husband trying to figure out how he's going to keep his wife from discovering some dimwit hijink of his.
"Then that one will be two seasons… yeah. And after that, fuck it! Just split the series into 10-minute vignettes that air once a month! That'll buy me some time!"
How can he be…
I'm hopeful that we've entered a stage of development for CGI that uses the astounding elasticity of computer animation for more stylized purposes and not just maximum spectacle.
The LEGO movie was a good omen in that regard, though there will always be stock fare like Peabody and Sherman that are pretty unambitious in…
Huh. I, being an internet square, watched this expecting the worst. It was not actually the worst! They've retained the flat dimensionality of not just the characters, but the environements as well. Everything has a sort of a claymation, forced perspective, bas-relief quality to it that's actually pretty intriguing.
Oh, man. I don't even like thinking about it. I agree The Wire ended at just the right time. Maybe it was just in comparison to season 4, which I found the strongest, but season 5 strained a bit. Still an fucking great season of television, though.
Wire Ending Real Talk
He mouthed off to the wrong people.
McNulty, man. McNulty.
It was so well done how intrinsically tied his alcoholism was to his work. For the season he was a beat cop, he was sober and able to maintain a relationship. Christ, that show did not pull any punches.
This controller is a direct challenge to the third party manufacturers who make the uglier versions of first party controllers. Madcatz is going to have to make a version coated in Vaseline and cat hair to top this.
The set design for Roseanne was perfect, all the way down to the afghan draped over the couch.
Holy balls. That's ridiculous. It's so audacious, I'm honestly amazed it was executed. We're two plus generations removed now from arcade games like Ghost's N' Goblin's that made you replay the game to squander more quarters and their home console iterations that held onto that device in a misplaced sense of fealty.
In a way, I'm grateful for that tutorial, because despite the game's beautiful design direction and compelling mood, it let me know early and in no uncertain terms that I would get no enjoyment from the game.
That's pretty good. I only watched a few episodes of that show, which felt neutered for being on network, but they were still able to get in a few sharp gags.
An extension of that is the closed circuit of romantic pairings. Like how in Friends they'd go through every possible permutation of the six mains dating instead of one actually moving on with their life in a way that would take them out of the show.
It reminds me too much of the small town I lived in where people with…
That's because at most bars if you order a beer with no follow-up, they'll bring you a pint of the flat pilsner collected from the tap trough mixed with just a splash of piss for being such a knob.
At least this is my assumption from talking with the people in my life who have all worked bars.