Spacemonkey Mafia

This is a stale complaint, but even as I enjoy the actual craft of set design, I cannot abide the Persian Sultan levels of affluence as the median for any given show's living spaces. Especially so for people who are in such an economic class that they require multiple roommates, yet live in a sprawling, 3000 sq. ft.

I've collected seventeen fingers playing the most dangerous game. My most prized being that of a Hindoo trained in the black arts!

Meanwhile, Maureen Dowd finishes her book on the napkin of her fourth martini.

He gets to borrow Thomas Friedman's mustache for the book tour.

"Four! Four meddling heroes who are no match for my diabolic intellect! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!"

Don't ever swear around David Brooks. He'll go and write an entire column about how the ruling class can be split into two types of people, those who swear and those who don't.
Those who don't support charter schools.

I just cracked open Leviathan Wakes. I'd just finished the second volume of The Invisibles and was looking for a break from Grant Morrison's meta-seven-layer-salad before starting the third.
I'm not too far along yet. My brother and my friends swear by it, so I'm pretty happy to sink into it.

Is the famous person writing a children's book trend better or worse than the famous person taking over animated film voice work trend?

Andy Warhol bites a big one!

Although, having said that, Bush really kind of was the Jim Anchower of presidents.

I always marvel at the Dadaist non-equivalence arguments you see on reactionary message boards and distant family member's Facebook feed like, "The media talks about Duck Dynasty standing up for America, but refuses to cover the $8 million OBAMA spent on his trip to Europe."
Assuming the number has been fact checked in

It was pretty much eight straight years of that. To continue my pop culture analogies; in length, surreality and capacity to induce uncomfortable feelings of displacement, the Bush administration was the ultimate Alejandro Jodorowsky movie.

Seriously. That was Kaufman-esque in its dedication to squirm-inducing performance comedy.

Sometimes. if you want to make an omelette, you have to break six million eggs.

Fundamentalists will assign belief however they wish, regardless of the language they are provided by others. The term 'spiritual' is hardly the thin line separating reasonable from unreasonable conversation about science and faith.
Also, I'm not saying Tyson nor Dawkins nor Nye nor anybody in particular actively look

I'm actually very down with that last paragraph. I think secularism gets shut out of a lot of the language of faith and I find it problematic.
Both because I think it doesn't allow for how strongly knowledge of the universe can ignite that sense of transcendence in ourselves and that science-focused human secularism

I was personally pleased with the animation segments. They weren't amazing; you could see they were made with a far more modest budget in mind than the often impressive cgi segments. But they hade a defined style and did well with it through the limitations. The stylized segment at the end where each era of history

Weekend Prompt! what's your favorite thing to look at in a game? Regardless of the style or presentation of a game, I always enjoy taking time to look how the water is rendered. It's always enjoyable to space off on and how it's done usually provides a good idea of a game's design philosophy.

That's okay, I didn't want kids before I had one and now I only don't want them 30% of the time.
Besides, care taking for children (emphasis plural) with autism is a completely other thing. I'm sporadically reading Andrew Solomon's Far From The Tree and the chapter on parents with autistic children is sobering.

Yeah, it certainly seems like it's all about the process. Yet another similarity between Japanese candy making kits and modern art.