Spacemonkey Mafia

That's a goddamn shame. 61 isn't even old. I was listening to Something For Everybody while tooling around in the car today. Far better than a reunion album has any right to be.

It's hard not to. The problem is, it's possible to let things go as time distances you from the original insult and you just get over it. But the album is so good, and the goodness burnishes with each listen, getting deeper and more set in that it actually makes the review more insulting as time passes.

Mass Romantic is currently my four-year old daughter's favorite album. She constantly asks whenever we get into the car if she can listen to "…my favorite song that goes, radio… radio…" That being Mass Romantic. Then her absolute favorite, which is Letters From An Occupant, which she calls "The other Neko Case" to

Okay, man. People were into them after that album that weren't into them before. I was not the sole person to gain knowledge of the band upon the release of Challengers. Other people who are not me also gained knowledge of the group at that time. Is that sufficiently vague and non-controversial? Otherwise, let's just

I don't assume, I suspect. I'm not married to my notion. But Challengers was the first album to get major coverage and album of the year status on NPR. Specifically, All Songs Considered. A sympathetic and possibly not previously attuned market if there ever was one.

I was introduced to New Pornographers, as were, I suspect, a lot of people, with Challengers.
Specifically with Myriad Harbor, which hooked me instantly which is funny in a funny to only me way, because the songs featuring Dan Bejar's vocals are usually my least favorite on any of their albums.
Even after picking up

Truth. I played me some Yo! Noid back in the day. Why the mayor of New York decided to call upon an unrepentant pizza-thief and lupine-zentai fetishist to save the city is beyond me, though.
Fun Fact! Also utilizing the very same Wikipedia referenced in this article, I discovered Yo! Noid is a re-skin of a

I'm embarrassed to say I've never played a Sly Cooper. I keep meaning to pick up the most recent one, but I figure it'll show up on PS+ at some point.
I'm not a hundred-percenter gamer. I lack the focus and will. But the game is so delightful to amble through I give it more attention than other platformers. My favorite

I never gave this show the time of day until putting it on one day to let it raise my child for me. It has a lot more going for it than what I assumed was a gross-tone piece Ren and Stimpy inferior copy. It really is pretty great.
The ending of the episode Spongehenge -with all of civilization long-dispersed, and only

Took the little one to the Lego Movie, which was surprisingly fantastic. I feared the sensibility would be Dreamworks, but it was instead very Aardman. Funny, wry and interesting in a universal way that redeems the sullied descriptor, "fun for the whole family".
*Light tonal spoilers*
The ridiculous Fox fooferaw about

I logged in just to upvote your two-day old post of you in a soft-focus caroling card.

Yup! Right up until they were all decapitated by a pack of howling yeti. So tragic. And semantically coincidental.

Will Do!

By pure coincidence, I've discovered that listening to Joan of Arc off of Arcade Fire's Reflektor is the perfect compliment to this review.

I grew out of Preacher about three quarters the way through the series. When I first read it I couldn't believe how intense and irreverent and badass it was. But as it started winding down it seemed less like uncompromising and hardcore storytelling and more like a pinata of swear words, scatological and penis jokes

I will say this is the first article since Gameological's reintegration that I'm very grateful to see on the AV Club.
Just by virtue of the size of audience that sees it over who would have on the separate site.

I think you should have been tipped off that it was no coffee stirrer by the significant girth requiring you to lube it up to squeeze into your cup.

Four Transformer and two G.I. Joe movies says you can.

This was a really great read. Ryan Smith, your columns are reliably fantastic.
I was not aware of Scarlett Hostyn before reading this and the whole socio-political-cultural stew of nationalism, gender and game culture is just mind blowing.

That honestly saddens me to hear.