Spacemonkey Mafia

I was looking for the illustration accreditation for that article and couldn't find it anywhere. (Conveniently placed right underneath the banner, as it turns out)
Excellent job on those, it's nice to see the site benefiting from your whole range of skills.

Some do. And some are eaten alive by incestuous, revenge-mad Koreans. Our lives run the gamut, just like everyone.

That's the magic of the internet! Octopuses who are stifled by their grey, day-to-day drudgery get to go to a place where they can create a magical, duck-based reality for themselves.

Well, it's not mirrored exactly. Everyone knows I'm an octopus.

The art style and the concept both seem pretty damn great, but I'm not sure if I want to play a game that mirrors my actual life with elements of QWOP thrown on on top of it.

Yes…. children….

"Goldwater". Jeezus. Of course he was. Thanks for the correction. Okay, allow me to rephrase.

Yeah, one of the many pulsating, oozing polyps that grows on Rove's back should be about the right size for college-age him. Just harvest one of those and put a tie on it.

If it's going to work, it's going to have to be a pitch-black comedy. A laugh so you don't cry kind of humor. Otherwise it will risk making a trifle of some of the most horrible personalities to emerge from this chuffing, cancerous organ of a party.

Never mind. I got my Goldwater and Atwater confused. All those blue-blood WASP political operatives look alike to me.

Weekend Prompt!

Well, some Keyboard Genius love. I won't pretend to know the particulars of his personal life, but I'll bet he does pretty well.

Thank you for putting together the gag that I had wanted to do, but found too daunting for the time-wasting-time I allotted myself for the venture.

On the contrary, air is as exciting to me as breasts.
With it's smooth, firm handful of nitrogen and oxygen, and the perky little argon at the tip.

I'm going to start thinking of Mrs. Toal as some sort of nerd Lady Macbeth. Scheming and plotting to position Drew at the top of any video game conversation that he should participate in. She will stop short of nothing. Not even murder!

I kind of think stating my enjoyment of breasts is akin to declaring how much I like oxygen.
"How about that air, right guys? Mmm…mmm! I could breathe that shit all day!"

You Brits have such an embarrassment of disturbing food compost that I feel you can be generous enough to relinquish claim on one or two.
I still insist that the driving force behind colonization was to take control of countries that have good cuisine.

I enjoyed this essay a lot. Penguins are awesome. Terminator 3 had it's moments. South African meat paste seems dubious.

Sadly, history's kind of shown you don't need a fantastical game world for that.

Why, I myself have ten such placards ready should I ever come across them.