Spacemonkey Mafia

Thanks for mentioning this. My only regret about the title and opening essay of this feature is it's created such a distraction from the rest of this funny and celebratory piece. All the more for being approachable for those, like myself, who don't particularly care for the sport.
Escape pod vulva ring? That shit's

I don't think there's much point in me trying to dissuade you of your beliefs concerning the theme of this article, as there are multiple threads that have already failed to do so.
All I can say is, as one who has never given two shits about football, I found the opener of this feature to be a referendum against poor

It's kind of blowing my mind, frankly. This is one of the most sarcastic, dismissive sites on the internet, and to see this reaction when the readers suspect that their signature rhetorical style just might be pointed toward them amazes me. I haven't watched, nor given a second's care to a football game since High

I don't watch the Super Bowl, but I know a lot of team owners!

I'm just giving Pagan the business, because I love. I'm always very happy to have him lay some of that sweet music knowledge on us.

I'd definitely plug a silver dollar into a 'Dimwit & Duke' puppet theater arcade from Bioshock Infinite if I ever came across one.

No, a 'fun fact' is that Tom Selleck was originally intended for the role of Indiana Jones, but declined due to landing Magnum P.I.
What you've presented is 'learning', which is incompatible with the adjective 'fun'.

The Arizona logo did manage to work in the requisite turquoise color. A fitting homage to the indigenous peoples of that arid land who have long crafted beautiful silver and turquoise Super Bowl logos in their humble pueblos.

Alex Trebek and Wierd Al are the only two white guys I can think of who look better with mustaches.
Wait, Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds. And Drew Toal.
Feel free to add any I'm forgetting.

She's fucking hilarious. She was both a guest panel member and a quiz contestant on …Wait, Wait don't tell me. And surprising to no one, incredibly sharp and quick witted.

"We need your first-hand knowledge of nap time to help us with these sleeper cells!"

I was wondering why the game asked me to "Clarify your beliefs on the role of American intervention in Mid-east Democracy-promoting ventures" into the speaker to unlock the 'Danger Above' worlds.

I'll have to check those out, that sounds amazing. I'm listening to Mississippi John Hurt's "Will the Circle be Unbroken" right now. It's a beautiful version and now feels even more appropriate.

Just here and i09. I appreciate you taking note of my oeuvre.

Hah! You've discovered I'm farming my own comments from i09. Sometimes I'll post something on one site and realize it may be a better fit for another.
I think they take Dr. Who pretty seriously over there.

Not watching Dr. Who is one of my biggest nerd blind spots. I want to, I enjoy the episodes I do see, but for whatever reason it just hasn't been folded into my regular media consumption.

His family changed their name from Monsterzylaski when they moved here from the old country.

All the upset around the awards ceremony nobody likes or thinks is relevant anyway is centered on Macklemore, when Kathy Griffin won best comedy album over Tig Notaro.
Presented with a beautiful, unique comedy experience, the award instead goes to a costume wig melted in places due to cigarette burns.

I really enjoyed the scene in the courtroom of Sherlock's mind (what do the Brits call a courtroom, a poggly-wob? Sittington-on-Asscheecks?)
Specifically, where he dispel's Mycroft's face and refocuses his attention on Watson.
It's a more intriguing glimpse into Sherlock's dynamic with his brother, his sense of self and

Aw, thanks, Casp. If I weren't a bot, I'd be touched.