Spacemonkey Mafia

Puzzles in my non-puzzle games. Specifically barely contextualized puzzles that do nothing but slow progress.
I can recall a few RPG's that incorporated those nine-tile puzzles as a floor mosaic that had to be solved to move forward in the dungeon. I have hated those things from my first one from a Cracker Jacks box as

It's colloquially known as the Girard appreciation hour.

Lurking in the shadows, waiting for the moment when he's not caught off-guard by the new posting schedule… it's Weekend Prompt! The second one today, I see as I type this!

I guess getting Gandhi out of the way so early on in your career really just gives you carte blanche to not give fuck-all for the rest of your career.

The penis will be a CGI creation voiced by Jonah Hill.

I live in flyover country and it's pretty corny. But I think it's fair to say that the average A.V. Club-type person isn't going to be the most keyed-in demographic for this song. At best, we'll be abstract supporters of the message.

…No way…

They did, but that doesn't instantly invalidate your answer. Unlike the original answer, no Starks died in Old School.

I picked that up off of Steam when it was on sale. I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

Seriously. I'm sure of all the stories they were telling each other the next day, Bilbo's disappearance ranked pretty low on the list of fantastical happenings.

I sometimes think about an OldBoy-type scenario where I'm restricted to my house, alone, with all amenities intact for one year, just so I can get caught up on all my media. Including my ridiculous artery clog of PS + and Steam games.
So fantasizing about restricting my already hermit-like lifestyle even further based

I would also enjoy that party for NO PARTICULAR RAISIN!

Bilbo's 111th birthday party. You know his amazing, mysterious disappearance stopped everyone short for all of twenty minutes before that shit got started up again in earnest.

I can think of one I'd really rather avoid.

Yeah, but you still got to hang with some friends, smoke some grass, drink a few beers… and maybe learn a little something about yourself.

Not bad, not bad at all. You know what we know about Canadian politics? That you guys elect your king by whoever finds the maple leaf in the poutine. He gets the ceremonial yeti fur!

McCain was the same way. He seemed so goddamned relieved to be liberated from being the idiot avatar for a party pandering to it's lowest common denominator.
Palin on the other hand, the face she was wearing that night, stolen from that poor village girl, looked like it was all it could do not to burst into tears.

If picking up one's own trash and by doing so demonstrating a marginal level of self-possession over a dog that leaves a steaming pile on the ground is our standard for humanizing behavior, we've set our expectations for the man pretty low.
Which is totally fair. My expectations for the man are pretty low.

"If this is anyone other than Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit!"

Christ, I remember that. I wonder if it was some sort of tech limitation or the developers just never thought of it. Being pioneers and all.