It's the lack of the clamshell design that really does it. I can't believe that hinges were such a cost-prohibitive element that they were jettisoned at the cost of giving a kid some sort of unwieldy Euclidean prop to lug around.
It's the lack of the clamshell design that really does it. I can't believe that hinges were such a cost-prohibitive element that they were jettisoned at the cost of giving a kid some sort of unwieldy Euclidean prop to lug around.
Oh, man. That hit the sweet spot, for sure. I can't believe Drew's mustache has ascended to fan service. Anime fans are ogling their characters in bathing suits and we're excited to see a hobo stroke his facial hair.
Speaking of which, Luigi as Little Edie cracks me up. Is he bald under that cap? Does he try on…
The only thing that would make it better is if at the end of the video, Samantha Nelson came out to gently coax John off the kart.
No, this was actually 1993. He was just using really outmoded technology.
My great-grandfather was something of a hyperactive entertainment omnivore pioneer. He created a most amazing device; the Omega-Cube. It was an all-in-one system allowing for the playing of Skee ball, Faro, A Jolly Game of Goose or Rummy. The Omega-Cube could capture and develop copper daguerreotypes, send a…
I'm not exempt from this, but I think gamers are a bit too precious with their properties.
I'm kind of a proponent of changing things up for good or bad just for the sake of turning over an entrenched franchise.
Eff's back, in banner form!
I should just go ahead and spring for Proteus. Every time I see a screenshot it infuses me with a pleasant, friendly warmth. It looks like the kind of thing you could dinkle around with for ten minutes or an hour to equal satisfaction.
The last Steam sale had a Blood Dragon/Gunslinger 2-pack.…
I heard that rumor too, but Snopes says it's not true. They say he's a member of the John Birch society that had to learn to draw with his armpits after losing both hands through inciting a race riot at a Kenosha auto plant.
My year end lists of games are usually year-before lists of games due to pretty much only getting anything through steep Steam discount or PS Plus.
The only two games I've been stoked enough about to purchase new have been Bioshock Infinite and Last of Us. And I do love them both. Worthy end of year picks without…
Man of Steel had awkward product placement? I don't recall that at all. I do remember a bunch of riveting set pieces where Super 8 Man came and saved the population of Metropolis from paying too much for a hotel room.
And that penchant for melodramatic setup is ultimately why you had to defeat Bane, right Batman?
Boy, I really have no idea. I think only the first four are published and I have no idea how many will be combined for the trade.
Not for a while, is my guess.
And their hairdressers. Despite what Girard Butler's no-fuss bowl cut would have you believe, no Spartan went to war without being properly coiffed.
I'm very pleased with the sparse, subdued mood-scapes Mignola is pursuing with his recent work. As often as not any longer, when his charcters do speak, they recite passages of other works.
Which is just fine by me. I've always thought Mignola's dialog was his weakest skill. And with less writing you can really just…
It's going to remove a lot of the tension present in the Walking Dead games when you're dealing with a property where everyone just dies.
I haven't read all of Vampires in the Lemon Grove, but the select stories that I did were all pretty damn great.
The only other book of Karen Russell's I've read is Swamplandia, which was also a wonderful book. Though thinking back on it, I realize I've begun transposing all the Belcher kids from Bob's Burgers as the…
Weekend Prompt!
Man, lookit me, getting off the bus from Gameologicalville to A.V. Burg, barefoot with a shoot of grass poking out of my gormless mug.
Back home, folks really thought I was somethin', with my ten or twelve likes.
And now, I'm seein' people get eighty-five likes? Golleee! I din't even know numbers went that high!
All other forms of media are sufficiently established where an endless stream of non sequiturs, puns and hyper-condescend Allison Brie fan fic do little to impugn the art in which these comments are posted.
Video games, on the other hand, benefit from a little bit of an ambassador program.