Spacemonkey Mafia

All the devil's own lieutenant shitheads are.  Chris Brown, Charlie Sheen.  Usually men, it's worth noting.  The fuckers are invulnerable.  Jim Henson died at fifty-fucking-three years old after a lifetime of light and imagination.  Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh is still weezing around, exuding a coagulated sheen of pure

All the devil's own lieutenant shitheads are.  Chris Brown, Charlie Sheen.  Usually men, it's worth noting.  The fuckers are invulnerable.  Jim Henson died at fifty-fucking-three years old after a lifetime of light and imagination.  Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh is still weezing around, exuding a coagulated sheen of pure

How about the celebrities you want to see just implode?  Not in the horrible, deadening effect of Hollywood, not the shitty tabloid fodder about weight or "bratty behavior" or all the unfortunate scrutiny that seems reserved sadly mostly for young women.
   But stars that you just want something to emerge that will

How about the celebrities you want to see just implode?  Not in the horrible, deadening effect of Hollywood, not the shitty tabloid fodder about weight or "bratty behavior" or all the unfortunate scrutiny that seems reserved sadly mostly for young women.
   But stars that you just want something to emerge that will

Man, Rockapella is really an oxymoronic portmanteau.

Man, Rockapella is really an oxymoronic portmanteau.

If I'm ever taken over by an alien parasite, it'll be my most precious memory of having seen this movie that will bring me back to humanity.
   That, and my natural preference for paisley's and checks over spartan white dystopian business suits.

If I'm ever taken over by an alien parasite, it'll be my most precious memory of having seen this movie that will bring me back to humanity.
   That, and my natural preference for paisley's and checks over spartan white dystopian business suits.

Everything in the preview for this looked golden -except the comically misplaced Spencer's Gift Goth monster that appears to be the prime antagonist.
   Is that character not as fifteen-years outdated hokey as it appears in the previews, or at least not very present in the film?

Everything in the preview for this looked golden -except the comically misplaced Spencer's Gift Goth monster that appears to be the prime antagonist.
   Is that character not as fifteen-years outdated hokey as it appears in the previews, or at least not very present in the film?

I say that to Mrs. Mafia every night and she just laughs and says, Oh, you!"

I say that to Mrs. Mafia every night and she just laughs and says, Oh, you!"

Yeah, History of Violence does a pretty phenomenal job of intersecting the two.
   Though that said, that incredible scene on the stairs is really almost just one chicken shy of being Pink Flamingoes.

Yeah, History of Violence does a pretty phenomenal job of intersecting the two.
   Though that said, that incredible scene on the stairs is really almost just one chicken shy of being Pink Flamingoes.

This movie will still have a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of life and death than Downton Abbey.

This movie will still have a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of life and death than Downton Abbey.

Let's hope so.  The Wolverine could benefit from the same calming side-effects of inhaling spray-tan that allowed  Romney to dig on some beautiful clouds and wonder at the strangeness of airplane windows not opening.

Let's hope so.  The Wolverine could benefit from the same calming side-effects of inhaling spray-tan that allowed  Romney to dig on some beautiful clouds and wonder at the strangeness of airplane windows not opening.

The wife and I rented it and couldn't even make it to the opening credits before we realized the film was going absolutely nowhere we wanted to follow.

The wife and I rented it and couldn't even make it to the opening credits before we realized the film was going absolutely nowhere we wanted to follow.