
It's a bit of a dumb strategy on her part, though, because he clearly just changes his tack once he picks up what she's putting out there. He goes from telling her what she wants to hear to… telling her what she wants to hear? It happened to be the truth, sure, but how does she know that?

Especially since they seemed to be fucking cutting and otherwise injuring him a fair amount? I like Euron the Mad Asshole, truthfully, but if he doesn't have any battle damage coming out of this episode I'm calling bullshit.

I really want it to be Sansa that does the deed, though. Like, maybe she could push him off the battlements after growing tired of him whispering evil thoughts in her ear. I can imagine him either trying to get her to kill Jon or planning on it himself or both, and that being too much for Sana, whom he underestimates

I did appreciate his brazen 'I loved your ma, and now I love your sister! … what?!' bit. He's always had a weakness for saying the thing he knows will piss off someone he resents (which is to say, someone else with real power). He can't help but be a spiteful little douche.

As much as I appreciated his maniacal laughter, boy was Euron's riding the boarding plank silly as all get-out.

No, they do.

It made me unironically chant, "The king in the north! The king in the north!"

I know it's been clarified as a callback and blah, blah, blah, but I also definitely thought Nymeria, like Hot Pie, had some trouble reconciling its memories of Ayra with the person sitting before her/him.

Those solar panels may not be too useful during the Long Night, tho.

I was kind of surprised he wasn't more concerned about Melisandre. He was shitting himself at the thought of her near the throne in season two, mostly due to that time a warlock threw his penis into a fire when he was a kid. (Game of Thrones, ladies and germs.)

Remember when Khal "Dat Eye Makeup" Drogo died from an infection in a relatively minor wound? 'Cause that's all I could think about as Jorah was preparing to get, like, half of his skin ripped off.

P.S. I'm worried about Arya's quest to return home what with the heavy can't-go-home-again themes looming (Hot Pie's concern, Nymeria busy with her own thing)…

Dang, man.

Y'know, I like Joss Whedon's work well enough, and think he's better than many dudes at writing ladies, but… I got bad 'Ninja Waif' vibes from that scene. I really do hope they get actual depth and such going forward.

I reckon that all three kids were the victims of pretty terrible emotional and psychological abuse, to say nothing of the utter lack of any love/bonding from him. Just completely cold on a good day.

Although, in fairness, I also think he's still grieving/processing what happened. Jamie did want his pop to be proud of him, even if he kind of knew that Tywin was ultimately pretty terrible.


Ultimately, I feel like people built them up too much (not that the show didn't do its part to basically say, 'These guys are as close to cybernetic robo-warriors as the series could realistically get, short of the Khaleesi investing in an army of golems or something'), but they're also right in that the way the fight

Exactly. And the actor plays the part with such fantastic, quiet intensity. If you don't think so, check out Stephen Dillane in other work.

Of course! There are four. Well, three, after Joffrey had that dude's tongue cut out for penning a witty little number about a boar and his balls…