
Man, you just made me sad again. :(

"Obarra, would you like some tea?"
"Tea? I remember drinking tea. I never knew my father, but this man, he arrived one day, and…"

They use the term in the Dragon Age games/universe, which owe a lot to the Song of Ice and Fire series, but that's about all I got.

It's like: I get that she's a witch, right? But, man, that kinda stuff always surprises and worries me.


It's interesting to me that so many people say, 'Ugh, I hate Cersei; I wish Tywin were still around.' Do they not realize that the former is the twisted creation of the latter? Do you think she'd be so very neurotic without Tywin's casually-abusive/dismissive influence?


He wasn't a king, though; he was Warden of the North.

Well, yes; I'm not saying that they're breaking the law or anything by only going with ten episodes. I'm not outraged or demanding some kind of restitution I don't deserve.

What an excellent comparison (Fredo to Michael); I can almost hear him pleading, "I'm smart, Chucky! I'm smart!"

Also, people seem to forget that Chuck had been slowly acclimatizing himself to the world outside his front door for a while now — immersion therapy and all that. It matters because the sensation of stepping outside into the sun, fresh air, etc., wouldn't be so jarring for a distracted person if they've been getting a

Ten episodes, for some strange reason, as opposed to the usual thirteen we're accustomed to from AMC shows in general and Breaking Bad in particular. (Okay, yeah, the first season of Bad was only seven episodes long, but that was due to the writer's strike.)

Yeah. I was really touched—like, almost emotional—when Chuck was doing that. Especially when Jimmy had a lump in his throat about the whole affair. It was real progress, and hard for the man.

Robin Williams and Jim Carey were my go-to examples for the longest time, though I'm not sure why I never included Bill Murray.

I don't think you're reading Kim's character right. She'd love, in another life, to run away with Jimmy and have adventures - but she lives in reality, not fantasy land (or "Cloud Cuckoo Land," as it were). Jimmy's proposals that she just give up her career and hang with him—because, you know, he'll have his shit all

"The only victim is Moe! Heh heh."

I did love it when he tried to motion for coffee, only too late, because her wife had already dismissed the waiter.

… which is yet another reason I don't really mind the oft-maligned 'Lady Macbeth' trope being employed here. It doesn't reflect poorly upon Gilligan and co. because it's not a well they've ever drawn from before, if I remember correctly. They've had shitty—as in, evil—male and female characters, but this is the first

The character has her moments wherein she acts shitty, but causality is always a factor — as it is with Walter White, whom you hate at times but at least understand. (Also, if we are keeping score, Skyler has a lot less blood on her hands.) The worst thing I'll say about her is that the actor didn't always manage to

Man, where's that 'Tio's bell' gimmick poster when you need him?