
This is a popular liberal talking-point, and as a former liberal raised on anti-violence rhetoric, I’m pretty sympathetic to it. I get it.

… in the middle of a conversation about white supremacists, where no one had made a peep about there being no Islamic fundamentalists in the world. Context matters sometimes!

This is basically what I think. I thought it obvious that Fey wasn't literally advocating doing nothing (or 'eating cake'), merely expressing her own brand of existential dread. But it might have gotten lost in translation.

You do understand that Nazis, as the world learned to its horror, only seek to use liberal society's tolerance and inclusiveness against it by violently gaining power and then using the power of the state against its enemies, dismantling democracy in the process? And that the current sitting President of the U.S.

"BLEEP, BLORP, whirrrr"
-Roast Beef

I know what you mean. I spend a lot of time these days trying to reconcile my hatred of violence with the very real need to put the boots to these assholes. Like, Mr. Rogers was—and is—an unironic hero of mine!

That… would actually be an awesome ending. I think it's kind of what Tyrion needs, too.

On the plus side, maybe it'll be a lady-wight and they'll bring it to Kings Landing and then the Mountain will fall in love with her.

I really don't want to see what happens after the Night King does that creepy, sudden head turn when he spots a dragon.

oh my god you just made me realize that the show might actually have Jamie push Cersei out a window if he ends up being the one to kill her and I can't decide if I love or hate that idea

The show is, as the reviewer put it, in blockbuster mode now. The characters have suffered a bit as a result. It's pretty obvious when the book material ran out, even for those of us who ain't read the books. Sort of like how Community had its "gas leak year" when Harmon wasn't writing.

I remember feeling similar despair during the Bush years (especially, like, 2003-2005), but this is certainly worse in that the cultural warring has hit a fever pitch. Stuff is really starting to boil over now.

Well, Baelish has the favor of Lord Robin Arryn, and is essentially Acting Lord of the Vale in all but name. So that complicates matters.

I was commenting a couple of weeks ago that Game of Thrones has become the Lesser Works of Zeppelin - especially visually. It's enjoyable, sure, but it's also a cartoonish, heavy metal music video shot to wrap up a book series that featured some heavy-duty, meticulous world building and political intrigue. It's tough

I'm a bit late to the game here, but I remember being a bit bothered as well that Cersei captures Ellaria and - well, that's that. It used to be a big deal on Game of Thrones, having an important political captive. Even if the acting Dornish leaders don't know she's alive - well, don't they still have opinions? Don't

"What even ARE babies?"
-@ScratStitch:disqus, presumably

Eh, I think you're both overestimating to what degree that man is intellectually and emotionally stunted. He's basically a powerful infant. (And this is coming from someone who felt that George W. Bush, whatever his other faults, was unfairly maligned as an idiot when he was mostly just an asshole.)

Played by Scott Auckerman, talking right at the camera. "Now, maybe it's just me, but for me…"

"What the fuck is a Lommy?"

Yeah. A giant bow ain't so great without a giant like Gough from Dark Souls to wield it.