Some typos are better than others, and "Aryan" definitely made me raise an eyebrow.
Some typos are better than others, and "Aryan" definitely made me raise an eyebrow.
(Man, why does Disqus seem to hate my attempts to link to usernames lately?)
This reply is a bit late, but I just wanted to let you know that I liked what you said to @ohboy. (And at the risk of sounding condescending, I know how frustrating it can be to see someone make some valid or interesting points, but in a slightly dickish/indignant manner, and then have them double-down on their bad…
Why, it's almost like folks aren't one homogeneous entity, and have differing views on things!
While it's hard to say whether or not Sansa would've done it, she was more than just thinking about it - she was actively moving towards him when the Hound put his hand on her shoulder (under the pretense of wanting to wipe her lip for her, I think?). But, yeah, it's been a while…
YES. And because I am a nerd, when the giant readied his greatbow (that's what we're calling it, right?) at the top of the Wall, all I could think was, "Now watch, and see how Gough hunts dragons."
more like "SAM IT" amirite
I meant to reply to this sooner. Whoops!
Great. So now I'm picturing an alternate universe where Robb Stark wins the war, claims the throne, and then… turns out to be a weird mix of ineffectual, ruthlessly pragmatic (to the point where he's continuing awful policies Tywin put in place), and yet still occasionally pretty good, as if to tease us with the kind…
Right. Which is why the "floppy wieners" (which is disturbingly fun to say out loud - go on, give it a try!) fit right in.
I think it's because your choice of language makes you sound like one of those dudes who makes a show of being disgusted by male nudity so we can all see that he's super duper heterosexual.
Except that the female nudity on this series doesn't feel particularly sexualized. I mean, it's absolutely nothing like Game of Thrones, with its Brazilian waxed models just bopping around in the nude. In an allegedly Medieval setting.
Dude, if the Warden ends up being anything like the Mayor from Buffy the Vampire Slayer—who was also name-dropped a handful of times (before appearing in the third season!)—then I'll have zero complaints.
I agree. I was also surprised that Piper leaving that van resolute in her desire to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, etc., wasn't brought up again when Alex was being dragged past Piper's cell. Like, 'Hey, you swore up and down that you weren't gonna lie? And now you're mad at me because you changed…
But where are people getting this stuff? I even read an interview with Prepon where she seemed baffled that folks thought that she was leaving (with myriad conspiracy theories as to why, to boot), adding that she loved the show and was stoked to return.
Yeah. It goes without saying that it's more than a little disturbing to see the occasional comment saying, 'Oh, it's a complicated relationship, though.' Or, 'Well, they were both kinda mean to one another, so…'
The weird thing about the tone of the discussion is that many folks seem to be talking about Louis CK—as opposed to "Louie" the character—as though he fucked up. People are complaining about developments being unsettling when that's the entire point of the scene. Like, 'Wow, that was assault. How did he not know that?…
Actually, no; I was referring to the kids asking him if Pamela was his new girlfriend and such. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I thought he seemed unusually uncomfortable, as opposed to just awkward…
Oooh. Thanks for the clarification. And, really, I can't argue with you, considering how bummed that turn of events made me.
I wanted to thank you—and @DavidAW, too—for the very kind words. I never want to come across as someone a) trying to ruffle feathers for its own sake, or b) proclaiming doom-and-gloom as though I represented a silent majority of fans. I'm not swearing off the series altogether, even if it has lost a lot of luster for…