
I thought that was a nice touch, actually; there's a bit of cognitive dissonance at play already, I think, which is why he sublimated his self-loathing and general frustration into yelling at a dude for spitting on the bus.

Speaking of: I found the review taking several potshots at the effects department a bit strange. I thought the scenes outside in the storm were perfectly convincing, even if they were limited entirely to Louie's two-feet-in-front-of-his-face perspective (which simply added to the insanity of it all).

Incidentally, my girlfriend just said, 'It was definitely uncomfortable to watch. That's the thing: There are things that people sweep under the rug when it comes to women. Louis tends to just put it out there and say, "Yep, there it is."' I thought that was a good point, too. Even before it came up on the show,

I find it bewildering, frankly, that people are acting as though Louis CK, the writer, isn't aware of what he's doing.

I'm not entirely sure if you're agreeing with me or arguing with me, but I liked your post!

That's true, but Dany has always been a weird outlier in that regard. Many have pointed out that an otherwise-brutal series seems to treat her with kid gloves. (Minus her story arc from the first season, which made her my favourite character for a brief time.) She wins and wins and then wins some more. (Though that

Ramsay Bolton is so theatrical that, intentional or not, Roose seems exhausted merely interacting with his campy ass. When you read Roose's fatigue through that lens, it becomes a bit more entertaining, I think.

Okay, but it didn't all happen as a part of a single story. It was stretched out over years—decades, even—by multiple writers under multiple titles, etc. Comics are weird like that - and ultimately exhausting themselves, in their own way.

Before we start, and because we're both being very direct otherwise (and, thus, might come across as curt), I feel like I should note that I really appreciate your replies. It's giving me some food-for-thought. So thanks. :)

Great post. You've sort of given a good example of something I was previously trying to put my finger on in an earlier thread.

Then again, I'm biased, because the Mountain from the jousting competition in the first season scared the crap out of me.

They could've given him some makeup to make him look a bit weathered, though. It's not that hard, actually; consider how they managed to subtly age Walter White in the last two episodes of Breaking Bad, if you watched it. Also, maybe getting him to grow a big ol' beard would've helped? He might be a massive dude, but

A friend of mine who read the books told me that, back in the day, Dorne was the only kingdom that managed to stand up to the Targaryens when they first came over on their dragons. I wouldn't mind Oberyn's death too much if it meant that now the Dornish army (which I presume is made up of badass spear-twirling dudes

I totes wouldn't mind Edward James Olmos playing a weathered badass with a leathery voice on this show, either, now that you mention it.

Would you be cool with crying into each other's arms? Because I'm definitely on the same page.

"I just don't believe a character who's always been passionate could
survive so many fights and wars while allowing that passion to overrun
his tactical skills."

In fairness, those people are complaining about a specific thing he recently did, for the umpteenth time. I get that he's an otherwise likeable chap (and I enjoy a lot of his posts myself), but it's pretty egregious, this shit.

"Good guys win when they learn to cheat in the cause of Good, which is kind of an oxymoron."

Reminds me of Zap Brannigan:

I think it was the "… get us behind him" thing. Chikka-bow-bow and all that.