
This is sort of a different thing but: It seams absurdly easy to create a new draft of a script. This is how movies like Aliens3 get made.

I don't enjoy humour at the expense of non-self-aware people. Stuart watching a gourmet cooking show while eating a plate of microwaved frozen wings is about as far as I can go. As much as I think Merchant is talented, I don't think I'll be staying with this show.

I can't really agree with you. I'll only go so far as to say that she might lack sentimentality in her delivery. She's "terrible" in the same way that punk rock is terrible. I haven't seen all the movies you mention, but I think she holds her own with Steve McQueen in The Sand Pebbles.

I liked Zero Hour. At least I think you can give a lot of leeway to a show about a secret fascist society that attempts to create a clone of Jesus Christ.

I don't think your insurance policy is going to be worth a damn after you draw down on an enforcer for a loan shark with an empty gun, Shumway. Maybe they'll pay off eventually if your body is never found; but then again, if you disappear only after you zero out your bank account and your house is about to be

It was actually an M1 carbine, not a shotgun.

I don't watch either of those shows; so no, I don't know the one. I have no idea what you're talking about. I hope you're happy, O'Neal. Now I'm out here just twisting in the wind…

Tron gets a free pass from me just because the original was so silly. But that's used up now and Kosinski should step-it-up, for sure. Story certainly has been much more important to Twilight Zone than visuals. It makes one wonder what he would bring to the table…

I liked it too, except for the pointless narration at the beginning and the warmed-over plot. I thought the drone movement, especially, was well done. I'm assuming that most of that was CGI? If so, it's some of the best that I've seen. They really nailed the physics.

Oh, and there's a man on the wing of the plane, btw.

The movie might be good if they signed the ghost of Richard Matheson to write the damned thing…

3D really makes the blight pop.

If it's not called "1952" and it's not about aliens, I'm not interested.

"Everyone said re-imagining Parker Lewis Can't Loose as an action thriller was a dumb idea, but I'll show 'em!" 

"Am I flinty, or just squinty?"

Did Stephen Sommers have something to do with this? This seems like a companion piece to Van Helsing.

Jason Statham as George W. Bush in "The Decider".

"I crap bigger bungalows than these." 

Elmo is, by far, the worst Sesame Street character ever created. I detest Elmo. Shrill and inarticulate? Perfect. Nailed it. It gives me some consolation that the people responsible for Elmo now have to suffer a little bit.

Elmo is, by far, the worst Sesame Street character ever created. I detest Elmo. Shrill and inarticulate? Perfect. Nailed it. It gives me some consolation that the people responsible for Elmo now have to suffer a little bit.