
A Gibson level twist would be if a bunch VR addicted hackers decided to turn themselves into Skynet or something. Like most film, this is just a mash-up of a few things that already existed in literature.

You don't need to be the parent of a 13-month-old to know that Elmo makes Sesame Street unwatchable. Amen, brother, I never could stand that Muppet!

I guess I'm going to be the one to say "No way, Enrique!" incredulously and point out like a total Poindexter that fiction is, by definition, disingenuous.

Get Scrappy Doo on the phone!

The House of the Rising Sun, dude!

Talladega Nights II: 12 Spider Monkeys

I'll have to take your word for it, but it seemed to me that she was laying in the same spot where she was floating before.

Yeah, It seemed so obvious to me even before the show started that the Romulan War should be the central arc…

This show should have been the Enterprise ship getting its butt kicked week after week by the Klingons and the Romulans. Then, Earth would have to build out Starfleet and the Federation quickly to help keep the Enterprise from continuing to get its butt kicked. Humans should have been fighting the Romulans, at least.

It felt a little awkward at first because it was unknown how Amanatha and Ted Jr. would mix. But once Amanatha is looking out from behind the door of the vending machine handing out snacks, everyone was being so charming I couldn't feel embarrassed.

I wasn't thinking frame-up until I read these posts, but now I'm starting to see how the frame might suggest that Daniel abducted George, shot him in the head at the riverside, and dumped the body. Uh-oh…

She had just climbed "up" the ladder to the core or centre of the circle - at least that was my interpretation of why she started to float. Why she stopped floating is still a mystery to me.

Whether it's god or an alien, I hate that premise. Before the angel/alien appeared, I was thinking straight-up parthenogenesis. It's just as unlikely an explanation as god or aliens (in humans), but at least there's precedent for it in the natural world.


Does he actually say 'hydrogen psychosis'? I never caught that.

Doesn't seem like the military is any more effective than in the 1998 movie. Why did the HALO jumpers mark their path with smoke? I was expecting Godzilla to just be waiting at the bottom with his mouth open…

This is why this HATESONG feature is so pointless. With all the space that that it has given over to the haters, it has never justified hate so well as you have in three sentences.

The voice-over here is the worst kind. It doesn't tell the audience anything they wouldn't have found out by watching the show. It's like a trailer for the show that plays during the show. It's not enough that a viewer took the affirmative action of tuning in to the show, the show has to try to hook them just a little

If your point is that the screenwriters of this film are probably not physicists or the like, I sort of see what you're getting at. They just wanted to make an entertaining movie even if they're not technical experts, right? However, there are such things as technical advisers, so 'entertaining' and 'technically

The Hulk in The Avengers is the worst one so far. He's reduced to subplot status, and even so he's inconsistent. All through the movie Banner seemingly can't control his transformation - then suddenly at the end he can? If he had control the whole time, why'd he try to trash the sky carrier and threaten so many lives?