
Three things I get confused: Marvel vampire Morbius, comic book artist Moebius and Greek god Morpheus. Maybe these are who Jared, Jared and Matt are playing?

He was the face of The Prodigy, but Liam Howell was the soul of The Prodigy.

From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.

Similar props to the Rocksmith games. Same deal with discovering new music and appreciating songs that you’d normally not give a second thought to or even hate.

The FIFA series has weirdly good taste in music. FIFA 10 and 11, in particular, had an embarrassingly large influence on my music taste, introducing me to Passion Pit, Phoenix, Metric, Santigold, The Strokes, MGMT, LCD Soundsystem, Peter Bjorn and John, Yeasayer, and probably some others.

The Rock Band thing is right on target for me. Ted Leo & Aimee Mann’s “The Both” album is just one example of something I first encountered in Rock Band that went on to become an all-time favorite.

Yeah, between Rock Band, the Burnout series, and a variety of snowboarding games, I’ve found a ton of gems I might never had heard otherwise.

Fauxhawk > bathing suit costume.

Spoilers for End Game and Game of Thrones right there. I mean they couldn't make it more obvious, End Game of Thrones, c'mon!

He was actually French Batman 

I use to work with a guy named Tony Stark. He was dumber then a bag of hammers 

Piss on these women and their false accusations!”

Only the original is worth anything. I actually agree with you about the cartoon, it’s pretty bad and the warm reception it still gets seems like nostalgia to me.

Getting any Goop notification is your own fault.

Hey i’m old enough to remember when the Beeb did cancel Dr. Who back in 89 and at the time we had zero outlet to vent our anger.

“Begin work on ‘Anacondrought’ immediately!”

Aliens is a movie I can watch any day at any time. I think it’s the best movie he’s ever made and arguably the best action movie of all time that never feels dated. It’s just distilled anxiety. Everything since then though? Where he actually tries to write characters beyond one trait that have to carry a story? Yeah,

And now let us welcome the many commenters who will burst in to remind us of their displeasure at The Last Jedi.

Then that same church went and made divorce this major impediment later on. Weird.