


I would be more excited for a Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles revival, with Lena Headey, Garrett Dillahunt, Summer Glau, and Thomas Dekker involved. But, this is fine, I guess

I’ve heard this argument and I can see it as an interpretation, but I don’t buy it at all. I think the best it comes is the stealing Nazi/HYDRA scientists angle, but even that feels more like “lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.” “Our leaders” aren’t evil, Robert Redford and uh, Garry Shandling are? (If only we had

I liked Days of Future Past. It’s the batshit insanity that is comic continuity laid bare on the screen. It’s the most comic-book comic book movie possible.

As a Clevelander, Winter Soldier let me experience what so many Los Angelinos and Torontans and Noo Yawkuhs do, which was watch a chase scene through a city street that makes absolutely no sense. “They just passed that same building! Twice! They just turned from one street directly onto a parallel street! They just

I like to imagine that in the future that song is like an old sea shanty.

Now playing

Apropos of nothing, Pandemonium is also the name of a pretty great Killing Joke song (and the album it hails from).

No specific mention of Mark Mothersbaugh? He’s been creating postcards every day for over 30 years -

He would have been fraged in boot camp.

It’s fun to read this comment now, in our post-Jeremy Bearimy world.

If 14 is in play, then Flick doing porn later in life has to be ranked on here somewhere.

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Got into Movietone and Cindytalk in a big way:

Now playing

So in preparation for my upcoming Year of Queer (where I’m watching/reading/listening primarily to LGBTQ-themed and -authored movies/books/music (after 29 years of consuming heteronormative media, I need a good paradigm shift)), I started listening to Pansy Division, an all-gay male pop-punk band from 1993. The basic

Yes, you’re correct that President Ford was very accomplished at keeping his head down... Typically after he banged it into something.

“The sky was the color of the HBO ident screen before Game of Thrones starts.”

It just looks like wet Wakanda. Horrible CGI too. But then I’ve always been a Namor man.

And this year, there’s new episodes.

Maybe I’m just traditional, but MST3K is my choice this, and every, year.

wink-wink, nudge-nudge...