“He could be alot worse” is the limpest political stance you could possibly hold. Wake the hell up, man.
“He could be alot worse” is the limpest political stance you could possibly hold. Wake the hell up, man.
Not backing unions isn’t ok. I mean I voted for him but ‘he could be worse’ isn’t great.
Ah, so Martin wasn’t allowed to stand his ground, just the armed man stalking him was... got it.
You’re a real bummer and it’s starting to affect my sex life. Anytime I’m laying pipe in your dad he always says something like, “I’m really worried about Sam, maybe you can talk to him.” I get it, you’re an embarrassment to your family and everyone you’ve ever met, but maybe it’s time to just end the whole thing. You…
Dude is a corporate centrist, he’s not some kind of old time liberal who actually likes unions. Do not expect him to back any union efforts.
“Democrats can’t treat Black voters like our support is guaranteed...”
There’s a good reason he’s been called the Senator from MBNA.
If only there was someone with a platform and media access able to explain these things. A pulpit of some type... Nah, can’t think of one. We could really use one of those in this country, couldn’t we?
Yea tons of Rittenhouse fans in here.
Never had any enthusiasm for Biden and still don’t. That said, I waited 7 stupid hours in line to vote against Trump and would do the same in 2024!
The last thing any human being needs when their town is being trashed by morons is cops randomly firing off rounds, good god.
On this I think they should always post the raw images of a mass shooting, let people see the reality of it. If their face is still intact then blur out the faces. People are too far removed and don’t realize how much damage these weapons do to a human being. They watch youtube videos of a medical dummy getting shot…
“One of the unfortunate things that’s happening in Arizona, and we see this in other parts of the country as well, is that the two political parties have gotten more and more extreme.”
No, it is weird and fitting for the New York Times to produce a ham fisted profile for people who like to pretend that they are clever. The article was no more than a bad “on one hand and on the other hand” college essay. It is in no way relevant that she is a mother. That she cares for her dog does not give any…
Britain is a deeply silly place whose ruling class practices snottiness as a life philosophy. George Washington fought a war so my tax dollars wouldn’t pay for airing effete English drivel like Downtown Abbey on American public television, yet there it is. Disgraceful.
Jesus. I am embarrassed for everyone involved in this cosplay for monarchists. Seriously. WTF. Wearing a crown and carrying an orb?!?!! Just take back all the royal booty into the general treasury, give back all the shit they stole from... well, everyone, and run the country as if it were governed by adults, not by…
OMG this whole thing is disgusting and out of date like dying from tuberculosis. Please get rid of this shitty family and stick them in private life for eternity.
you’re just dying to lynch someone, aren’t you you fucking rat
The crime rate is NOT skyrocketing. If you want skyrocketing crime find your nearest red city. Ya’ll always want to try to depict cities with Black people in them as cesspools of crime while ya’lls cousins are doing meth everywhere they can find a corner to crawl in.
There is no way to safely choke someone; if you use a choke hold you are well aware you may kill someone and don’t give a damn.