
That’s the fundamental difference between the new-right and the “left” (that being their word, since Biden is about as center or center-right as conceivably possible for a democrat, and even Bernie Sanders is just approaching “left” wing). But there are no shades of gray to the new-right. It is either their way or you

Yeah, that partisan stance is always what gets me. If I mention I don't like president X, I get quizzed on why I love president Y. Why is not liking X a sign of love for Y? Can't I not like either? 

I will say this is a pathetic story. All you did was give the “in the grey” racists fodder (though saying “a black child was born” would be fodder) defending some thieves.

There was a time that the Root was good and then there’s now. You’re part of the “now” because you don’t seem to have the depth to actually write

Why put yourself in that situation anyway.  Why are we so dismissive of bad behavior.  What he did was not cool and was definitely some vigilante shit, but I’m getting damn tired of seeing these type of videos were young Black folks are running out of stores with shit and then people get upset when some of these

Rando posts this bullshit as their first comment and staff brings them out of the greys? Why?

They’re definitely voting against their own best interest though.

That’s why they are starting the press cycle of “rehabbing Kamala”. Start by saying it’s other’s perception of coverage and that she’s doing “just fine”. Racism and Sexism have nothing to do with her very public foibles.

Maybe it’s because... let me check on the app quick... a small fry on it’s own is fucking $2.59. That’s 230 calories for $2.59. I can get a 250 calorie hamburger for $1.49 or a 400 calorie McDouble for $2.29. Like, I’m not here to do pricing strategy for you, McCEO.

When the fries cost nearly as much as the burger I stopped buying.  

I really wonder (fear) how the justice system, financial markets, etc. are going to deal with this. If we thought Fox News et al. were threats to objective truth, we haven’t seen anything yet. We will literally not be able to believe or eyes or ears soon.

A record that could not be set in any other country.  U-S-A!  U-S-A!

None of their arguments hold water against actual studies that show the single largest risk for being injured by a gun is owning a gun.

the investigation has been closed due to no evidence proving “a criminal act was committed by either party.”

She expresses a desire to get her portrayal of the ancient ruler “right” where previous depictions of the queen “had gotten it so incredibly wrong.”

“What the historians can confirm is that it is more likely that Cleopatra looked like Adele [James] than Elizabeth Taylor ever did.”

If there’s any perfect example that completely delegitimizes our government, it’s having this two-tiered system of rights depending on what fucking patch of dirt a woman is standing on. In 2023! Our Constitution isn’t worth shit. Not if you’re anything but a wealthy white man, as JustAnotherOtherBurner points out

“I just think favas are too subtle to be paired with spinach.”

I would agree.. but I have been surprised that fava beans with a little prep can actually be quite flavorful.. complementing the spinach as opposed to overpowering it (as spinach as a distinctive taste and Fava’s can be mild (almost the “tofu” of the legume family)

It isn’t a great sign when reading portions of articles on here makes me wonder if I’m currently having a stroke or if the writer had one while typing and still posted it.

Spain is a nation.
Spanish is a nationality, not a race.