
Yes .

I want the car chase from the Raid 2 with knights.

How naive you are.

No you’re wrong.

And then they published it here. They change the vowels when stuff goes over there.

Yeah and in the UK it’s right, but you change the vowels when you publish it in the US.

Misspelled favor.

You’re right I was being reductive. Still you hear that fan sentiment of “at least fake the scares” and I have to wonder what people are expecting. Like the fans don’t want something genuine, they want the unreality. Lots of good lets plays out there, but this story hits at a weird element in Let's plays.

You know the orgasms in pornos are fake? Let’s plays are BS too.

Photo mode is best when it works in tandem with photo mode.

a bunch of zombi’s with weird numbers, where do I remember that from?

Actually that's interesting. What's up with saves and why are some really big and others small?

Not enough Sega.

I recently lost someone and I really like that mourning idea. I really think there’s something unique games can do with that that no other medium really can. Also I wish the big Skyrim like games added more of these features. On that note though Witcher 3 is literally all about that, so people are pushing this stuff.

Yeah they wouldn’t want everyone to end their run with like 10 strength and 10 endurence and 10 agility.

This is like the only mystery I care about in the game. Trying to figure out what they’ve done to the level-up system. They said they now have hundreds of perks, and it looks like you don’t get to add points on level-up to stats like “small arms” any longer. But maybe it’s more like Skyrim and the stats raise on their

So perk tree? Or do we now raise Special stats at level up?

That’s legitimately terrible. You should feel bad.