
Eventually the intros are going to be “Destiny, a video game about trying to apologize to your daughter you missed the first ten years of her life cause Destiny.”

I actually agree. That film is both legitimately terrible and a video game movie.

Doom is underrated too.

It’s not great. But here’s my retort, if you will:

Yeah see it's statements like that that make it sound like you never saw it.

It's underrated. Probably not good, but it's far from the worst movie ever based on games.

Fahey covered EVO over the weekend. Without going over the top he sort of perfectly encapsulated what’s interesting about the event. A mix of roster news but also human moments. Particularly though the guy who celebrated too early. The story hinted at part of a bigger problem where the number of people expected to win

Oh like Manos the hands of fate.

Seems like a good way to go about it.

You’re right, this show about giants doesn’t make any sense.

Fck that.

That's actually pretty sad. Also next Destiny all the NPCs need to be former Mr Show people. Paul F. Tompkins telling you to complete a bounty would be so great.

I want to say part of it could just be growing pains for working on new tech but I don’t know. I hear the Batmobile is a problem. Maybe it’s always been a problem but WB wanted to sell Batmobile DLC so something that should of been scrapped got way more hours poured into it at the detriment of everything else.

Yeah she’s no joke. She’s like some sort of Southern thermometer to see just how Southern you are, the more you can tune her out maybe the more Southern you are.

So you don’t know how replies work either do you?

I don’t think you know how replies work.

Aren’t adventure games just puzzle games for dumb people?

Favorite character from The Wire? Bonus: Joel or Mike?

Don’t go to Destiny looking for goodwill. That game is cold in the weirdest ways. Like you pay someone to make art and they give you a shitty picture. You say you don’t like it but they then give you a thousand. Destiny doesn’t care you don’t like her crap drawings. But asking for good drawings is too much. Have a red

Destiny can-sumers?